
A quick Insight into the best Games to play at the dinner table

Having people over for dinner can be just as enjoyable as going out. And as the winter months progress, we find ourselves less interested in going out and more interested in staying in for the evening with our friends. Although we love cheese and wine, that doesn’t mean the only acceptable course at a dinner party. After you’ve finished your meal you can focus on something light-hearted and silly. We have the perfect Games to play at the dinner table for you. Accompany with a few cocktails, and you’re set.

Best Games to play at the dinner table

Great Minds Think Alike

Give every member of your party a chunk of Post-It notes. Take it in turns to ask a question, which everybody writes their answer to on one of the Post-Its. Rather than trying to come up with an original answer, players in this game try to guess what others in the group will choose. For each correct answer, you’ll earn a point, and the winner will be the player who finishes with the most total points. The more out there the questions, the more points you’ll get. For example, you could ask about the celebrity you’d most like to spend the night with or about the person in your group who can’t hold their drink. This game can be considered the best Game to play at the dinner table.

What do you Meme?

The rules to the social media generation’s favorite party game. A different judge plays a Photo Card to start each round, and the remaining players must play a Caption Card to finish the meme. Since the judge chooses the best couple, the player with the most hilarious Card will advance to the next round. Keep in mind that your odds of winning a card game will improve if you can anticipate and appeal to the judge’s sense of humor. This is indeed a very exciting Game to play at the dinner table.

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Who said it?

A little forethought is required, but the payoff is great. If you’re the host, it’s your responsibility to scour your guests’ Facebook pages for embarrassing posts from the past several years. Capture them on your screen and print them out, but don’t include the posters’ names so that your guests will have to guess who said what. This can be humorous, depending on how far back you go and the kind of stories people were telling.

Lucky Dip

Lucky Dip is a party game for two or more players that requires everyone to put their best brains forward. Pick a stick at random and say anything that comes to mind. A political activist, a city in the United Kingdom, or a waterfall in Africa are all good examples. It acts as the perfect combination of entertainment and insight.

Discussion Club

Discussion Club is more of a conversation starter than an actual game, with a deck of cards containing provocative questions meant to spark lively debate. For instance, “Does technology aid or impede our communication?” and “What is more important, space exploration or ocean exploration?” are both good instances of open-ended questions. If you want to get people talking, play with a large group. If you want to have in-depth conversations, go with a smaller group and play at a round table.

You will need Drinks!

Someone polls the group and asks who they think will take action. One Person will think about the question, “Who is most likely to purchase an airline ticket to some arbitrary location?” or “Who is most likely to get caught smuggling a drink in a mini?” On the count of three, everyone in the group indicates who they think is most likely to answer the question in question. If someone points at you, you have to drink for every finger you see (five sips for five fingers, for example).

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After deciding on a category, everyone in the group takes turns going around the table, using the alphabet and naming things that fit into that category. If someone at the table said “Animals,” for instance, the list would go like this: “Anteater,” “Bear,” “Cats,” “Dogs,” and so on until someone at the table ran out of ideas.

In a variant of the game, players aren’t limited to using letters from the alphabet, but rather they have to come up with a word that begins with the category indicated by the final letter of the preceding player’s word.

Bite the Bag

Players take turns extending their arms and using their lips to try to grab the bag. If you make a mistake, you have to down a beer or a shot. Reduce the size of the bag by an inch at the top after each round, then continue playing. Each guest will get a turn trying to grab the bag with their lips.

What am I?

Sticky notes and a sharpie are all you need for a good time, the old-fashioned way. The game begins with each writing the name of a famous person on a sticky note and placing it on the head of the person sitting to their left. As the game progresses around the table, each player has an opportunity to guess who is on the head by asking a series of yes/no questions.

Old style quiz

Appoint a quiz master to come up with a nice old-style quiz, whether you’re celebrating someone’s birthday or the holiday season. Make sure everyone has a chance to participate by dividing the game into “themed” rounds with questions related to the guests, the past year, or fond party memories. We disclaim all liability for any competitive outbursts, by the way.

Final Words

We have seen the above best Games to play at the dinner table. There is a lot of laughter to be had, and this is where dinner party games come in. When it’s your turn to host the next dinner party, plan some games and activities to keep everyone entertained.  It also alleviates stress and keeps your guests entertained.

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