Food & Nutrition

Olive Oil Nutrition Facts

Olive Oil Nutrition Facts

Extra virgin olive oil is a product that cannot be missing in both adult’s and children’s diets. It is real food for our body, also ideal in the weaning phase of newborns. Fats are essential for our body as an energy source and their structural role in the membranes, says Publio Viola, President of the Medical Nutritional Section of the National Academy of Olive and Oil Spoleto. Here we will give a complete idea about olive oil nutrition facts.

Olive Oil Nutrition Facts values ​​of extra virgin olive oil

Olive Oil Nutrition Facts
Olive Oil Nutrition Facts

Many studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of extra virgin olive oil, starting with the prevention of:

  • cardiovascular diseases
  • the appearance of some types of free radicals and therefore, cancer cells
  • aging process

All these thanks to the presence of antioxidants, which in extra virgin olive oil are attributable to polyphenols, and in particular, to hydroxytyrosol, oleuropein, and lignans.

In extra virgin olive oil, there are also:

  • vitamin E (α-tocopherol)
  • some carotenoids (β-carotene and lutein)
  • squalene, a triterpene hydrocarbon, protects the skin by acting as a UVA filter and UVB rays filter.

Nutritional table of extra virgin olive oil

The data in the following summary tables were taken from the website of the Council for Research in Agriculture and the Analysis of the Agricultural Economy “Crea.”

The values ​​refer to 100 g of product, which corresponds to approximately seven tablespoons. We remind you that it is advisable to consume a maximum of 3-4 tablespoons a day of extra virgin olive oil.

What are the nutritional values of olive oil?

Extra virgin olive oil is obtained from the pressing of freshly picked olives. To be of good quality, extra virgin olive oil must have an acidity lower than or equal to 0.8%, the appearance must be liquid, green/yellow, and the smell fruity.

Among the elements that stand out are vitamin E, an important antioxidant that prevents cellular aging and fights degenerative pathologies, and has a preventive efficacy against neoplastic diseases. Also useful is the presence of vitamin K with 60.2 mcg. The calcium intake is equal to 1 mg, the potassium intake is identical, while the sodium intake is double: 2 mg. Iron is present in the amount of 0.56 mg. Mineral salts are incredibly valuable for the osteoarticular system.

Nutritional values ​​and label

  • energy value
  • fat
  • saturated fatty acids
  • carbohydrates
  • sugar
  • proteins
  • salt

Indications may also appear on:

  • monounsaturated fatty acids
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • Polyols
  • starch
  • fibers

No other nutrients or compounds (e.g., cholesterol) other than those indicated are allowed in the nutrition declaration.

For many years now, extra virgin olive oil has been the most recommended condiment by dieticians and nutritionists because it is a tasty, healthy product and, above all, rich in antioxidants that help keep you healthy as it can prevent diseases. Below are the nutritional values ​​of extra virgin olive oil.

How many calories does olive oil contain?

But how many calories does olive oil contain? The crux for those who are attentive to the diet is calories. The same is mainly due to the presence of fat. Here is the table of nutritional values ​​of olive oil with the fat scheme:

  • Fats 100 g of which:
  • Saturated fatty acids 14 g
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids 11 g
  • Mono-unsaturated fatty acids 73 g

Although these are healthy fats, it is good to make conscious use of extra virgin olive oil. No one eats 100 grams of olive oil. Usually, as a measure, you use the spoon enough to season a salad or give flavor to different dishes. Usually, the nutritionist recommends seasoning with a knife, but how many calories in a spoonful of oil?

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The calories of a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil are 124 Kcal. One tablespoon usually contains 15 ml. The critical data, however, concerns cholesterol because it is not present in extra virgin olive oil. Indeed this particular condiment also has a protective effect on the cardio-circulatory system, and the presence of Omega3 protects the arteries.

It is necessary to specify that these are typical values ​​that can change according to the olives’ origin, particularly rich in nutritional values ​​are those that come from Puglia. They also change according to the type of plantation, the pressing, the degree of ripeness, and conservation. For example, unfiltered extra virgin olive oil retains its organoleptic and antioxidant properties for longer.

Olive oil nutrition facts properties 

Olive oil, the Mediterranean diet’s main food, is the absolute favorite condiment both raw and for cooking. Its high smoke point (210 ° C for extra virgin olive oil ) makes it one of the most suitable frying condiments. However, olive oil has a very high energy value (899 Kcal per 100 grams), and for this reason, it is best not to abuse it despite its beneficial properties. In particular, especially in the case of obesity and overweight, it is advisable to dose it with a spoon or a teaspoon, respecting the doses provided for in the food program.

Olive oil is particularly rich in monounsaturated fats and, in particular, in oleic acid. Thanks to its particular composition in fatty acids, it is one of the best condiments to keep under control the levels of bad cholesterol ( LDL ) in the blood.

L ‘ oleic acid reduces LDL-cholesterol levels without affecting the percentage of HDL-cholesterol. This fatty acid, while not essential, is therefore very important for our well-being. L ‘ oleic acid is found in many vegetable toppings and especially in the olive oil that, for this reason, is one of the best seasonings to use in cooking.

Olive oil nutrition facts vitamin e: Uses

Olive oil is mainly used as a food and therapy for its laxative and cholecystokinin properties. As a hepatoprotection, against gastric ulcer, and as a local emollient. The decoction of leaves and bark is used to fight rheumatism, fever, gout, arterial hypertension, hemorrhoids, and disinfect sores and wounds. See also: oleocanthal, the pain-relieving properties of olive oil. In the pharmacy, it becomes part of liniments, salves, and ointments.

The pits of olives are an excellent fuel, economical and above all, ecological, given that the amount of CO2 emitted during combustion is the same as released during natural decomposition. The kernels, therefore, represent an important energy resource for the olive oil-producing and exporting countries. In Madrid, the exploitation of this energy source has already begun. It still supplies heat and hot water to several homes.

This is carried out in large circular tanks in which the olives are placed and on which the BURNERS, two or three large granite wheels are passed, which, by crushing the fruits, give a dense pulp after about an hour.

Then spread on circular donuts. Which are interspersed with metal discs, all inserted on a central cylinder That produces the fall of oil droplets and water? The last step involves the SEPARATION of the water from the oil. Which is nice green or light (depending on the olives’ quality, the growing area, and the number of leaves that may be present: it is not said that the greener oil the better it is). Alternatively, you can use a continuous cycle machine (centrifugation). Which gives higher yields, but oil with lower organoleptic characteristics.

Natural beauty with Olive Oil Nutrition Facts

The skin is the largest organ in our body and the mirror of our health. It covers and protects muscles, bones, internal organs and does so by exposing itself in the forefront to pollutants, sunlight, bad weather, all dangers present in the environment. His is a task of primary importance!

Few people are lucky enough to have naturally flawless skin. Stress, pollution, improper nutrition, and even sunlight can compromise their health and beauty. Hence, the need to protect it, from the inside through a varied and balanced diet and from the outside with the right cosmetics’ help.

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Olive oil has always been an ingredient of natural beauty

In cosmetics, olive oil is certainly better than many sophisticated ingredients. Thanks to its high emollient and softening properties, it has been the protagonist of natural beauty since ancient times: the first to exploit its properties were Egyptians, Phoenicians, and ancient Greeks. The illustrious Roman doctor Galen, two thousand years ago. Created the first body cream with olive oil, there were bees and rose water: the Ceratum Galeni, which is still the basis of cold cream today, an emulsion based on fats and water to use as a make-up remover or as an emollient for chapped skin.

Cosmetic properties of extra virgin olive oil

The fats of olive oil are the same ones that form the sebum of the skin. Inside cosmetics, even if diluted, the oil remains active and plays an important role thanks to the oleic acid content. Hence the use in case of psoriasis, dry skin, flaking, and in general, against aging.

Used regularly in massages and at the table, extra virgin olive oil is real nourishment for the skin that gives brightness, elasticity, and compactness. It gives the skin a relaxed appearance and a pleasant velvety effect to the touch. For the presence of fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. sunburn, itching, dermatosis, chapping, and redness of the skin. Excellent lubricant and good smoothing. Anti-aging, emollient, and soothing. It is particularly suitable for mature, dry, and dehydrated skin but is also perfect for massaging the delicate skin of babies and children and for preventing stretch marks in pregnant women.

All uses of olive oil

There are many cosmetic formulations based on olive oil and practically concern the whole body. We find this ingredient in moisturizing creams for hands, face, and body, in products for hair and nails. In protective lip creams, in oils for bath and massage, in Marseille and Aleppo soap, in body cleansers. In particular, olive oil is exceptional against weakness and hair loss. Because it can deeply nourish the hair bulb, keeping it in good condition and strengthening it. Preserves the color and shine of the hair over time.

Organic olive oil nutrition facts

To make the most of the potential of extra virgin olive oil. The companies in the sector – which in some cases are above all producers of quality extra virgin olive oil for food use – have created cosmetics with a particular composition. Which combines the main ingredient’s benefits with those of plants and herbs with emollient, moisturizing, and sanitizing properties. These enhance the antioxidant and nourishing effects of cosmetics by working in synergy with each other. This is the case of witch hazel, chamomile, aloe, thyme, hawthorn, cumin, Icelandic lichen, snowdrop. But according to the researchers, the list is destined to grow, almost as much as that of the beneficial and natural properties of olive oil.

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How much does the choice of the cultivar affect the quality of the oil?

The characteristics that distinguish the different cultivars do not concern the quality of the oil exclusively. But also more general aspects of the plant’s interaction with the soil and with the climate, of productivity, of oil yield. Each variety resists in its way the attack of parasites and has a plant development capacity in tune with the soil’s resources in which it grows. Likewise, the factors that influence the identity of oil too are so many. We certainly start from the fruits’ health to continue with the degree of ripeness of the olives at the time of oil extraction.  Bearing in mind that in recent decades the general trend has been to bring forward the harvest date because the overripe fruits have revealed more vulnerable to the stress of harvesting and storage that precedes the extraction of the oil in the mill.

The extraction system also plays its role: over the years. Oil technology has made great strides, especially when in the second half of the last century. Technological modernization has also affected oil storage structures. Allow safeguarding the characteristics of quality better.

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Finally, the product’s filtration allows us better to preserve the organoleptic and beneficial properties of the oil. Thanks to the removal of the vegetable water particles and the mucilage of the olive pulp. Improves the conservation of the oil. And then there is the art of the oil mill. Which still remains a vital and distinctive element for the quality of the oil. In summary, according to the experts, it is possible to state that these factors affect the oil quality for 70% compared to 30% directly correlated to the cultivar.

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