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Flat Stomach Workout to Reduce Belly Fat in One Month

Flat stomach workout

When you remain fit, you can enjoy your life to the fullest. In today’s busy world, physical and mental fitness play a crucial part in our lives. You can also avoid many health problems when you are physically and mentally fit. Moreover, when you are fit and healthier, then less chance, you will get prone to any disease.  Present society is moving into a sedentary lifestyle, and performing daily activity helps you maintain body weight. When it comes to fitness, having a flat belly is something everyone mostly desires. Whether you want to create an aesthetic appeal or increase core strength, you need to maintain discipline and dedication to get a flat stomach. You have to perform specific types of flat stomach workout that can help in achieving your desired goals.

You can carry out several exercises to burn your belly fat to tone your abs along with muscle building. Guys put effort into their belly fat when they want to get fit. It helps to obtain a smart appearance and minimizes the chances of health risks involving diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. By shedding the extra pounds from your stomach area will strengthen your core muscles, giving it a perfect shape.

If you dream of getting a flat belly, then it’s time to think of carrying out an effective flat stomach workout to achieve a perfect body with a toned belly shape. According to studies, having a flat belly creates a positive effect on a person’s mood and appearance. It would help if you had the patience to get that perfect body shape with less fuss. So, focus on your abs because it can genuinely protect your health.

Why belly fat occurs?

There are plenty of reasons for that extra padding around your belly. Commonly fats get stored in your tummy due to overall obesity, wrong workouts, digestive problems, energy imbalance, low metabolism, and stress. All these factors promote in accumulating stomach fats. When you stress, due to hormonal changes, it leads to weight gain, further creating bulges. Estrogen causes accumulation of fats around the thighs, hip, and stomach in women creating an odd figure.

The necessity of strong core

When you think of boosting your core strength, it is necessary to look beyond aesthetics. Core strength plays a significant role in your daily life, along with body movement. By having a strong core, you can avoid injuries, specifically in knees and hips. The core involves your abdominals, glutes, and lower back muscles. These core muscles move next to your front stomach, so it is highly essential to build a strong core. With the help of a flat stomach workout, you can efficiently work on your core strength.

Flat stomach workout

You can follow this effective flat stomach workout to achieve perfect body shape. Choose the best ones suitable for your daily routine.


This is considered as the core workout that helps to define abdominal muscles for having a toned body.

Bicycle crunches

To perform this workout, you need to:

Double leg lift

The double leg lift is a great abdominal workout that works on both upper and lower abdominal muscles. These are ideal for building core strength.


This exercise helps in boosting your core and abdominal strength. It works wonderfully for reducing belly fat.


When you plan to lose your belly fat, it is essential to work on as many muscles as possible. Burpee is an explosive workout that can help you to burn fats accumulated around your stomach.

Boat poses

Also known as ‘Navasana,’ it is beneficial for a flat stomach workout targeting core and spinal muscles.

Windshield wiper

The windshield wiper is a traditional abs workout that helps in boosting core strength. This exercise targets oblique muscles as well as overall body core.

Bird dog

This helps you in moving dynamically throughout your workout that leads to a toned belly.


Plank is the best flat stomach workout that works on the rectus abdominal, abs, and core muscles. You must include this in your abs workout plan.

You can also try some other variations of plank such as:

A- Plank with a leg lift

For this exercise, carry out the same plank position mentioned above and slowly lift one a few inches from the floor, pause for a few seconds, and switch your leg. Repeat this 10 times.

B- Plank with an arm lift

Another way to do a plank is by adding an arm lift. Begin with the same plank position. Keep your body weight on the left forearm and raise your right straight towards the front. Pause for 3 seconds and switch arms. Do 2-3 sets.

Leg lift

To carry out this workout, you have to:

Hip dips

You can begin this workout by:

Straight leg sit-up

This is an old-school flat stomach workout that can help in reducing belly fat.

Pike ups

To carry out this workout:

Tips for flat stomach workout fast results

Along with the above workouts, you also need to take care of your diet for fruitful results. To get a flat belly and defined abs, you require toning up your entire body to eventually reduce your fat percentage. You must carry out the above workouts and make some simple changes to your lifestyle to achieve a healthy and fit body. Additional tips are mentioned below to help you get a flat belly when carried out and these effective workouts. These are the added advantages of your belly fat reduction program. You can surely see visible results when combined with stomach fat workouts.

Final thoughts

To sum up, core workouts are performed without using any equipment, so give you the desired results. You can see the visible improvements within a few weeks or months. If you have the objective of getting a flat stomach, then core exercises and a healthy lifestyle can help you. With the above core workouts, you can quickly achieve your goals. Please choose suitable ones and add them to your daily routine. Also, share this useful information with your family and friends.

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