Food & NutritionHealth

Can Pregnant Women Eat Shrimp: Your Health Guide

Can Pregnant Women Eat Shrimp

Pregnancy is that phase of a woman’s life in which proper attention and care to eating habits are very important. Consuming anything inappropriate during this time can affect the health of the mother as well as the growing fetus. Moreover, a lot of women are very fond of seafood especially shrimp which also makes them question “Can pregnant women eat shrimp or not”. So, to answer it in a better and more in-depth way, we compiled this complete health guide which will share all the aspects of this topic and will take you a step forward for being a responsible parent.

Can pregnant women eat shrimp?

As per various healthcare providers and studies, it is reported that a pregnant woman can surely eat shrimp during all of her three trimesters as it is one of the low-mercury seafoods that prevent babies from many types of neurocognitive development issues. However, the terms for this are that the shrimp must be well cooked (around 145 degrees) and eaten within limits only (eight to twelve ounces in a week). 

Can pregnant women eat shrimp-complete guide
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The reason behind this is that raw shrimp may consist of different types of parasites and bacteria which can cause severe health conditions to the pregnant lady and her baby as well. Moreover, eating shrimp is not just good for pregnant ones but also for those women who are breastfeeding due to its low mercury factor. 

How do shrimps support pregnancy?

Eating shrimp during pregnancy is very helpful for the overall fitness and growth of the mother and baby, respectively. This seafood is rich in iron, iodine, choline, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, and so on which not only promotes cognitive development in the growing fetus but also makes their heart healthy. 

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How do shrimps support pregnancy
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Moreover, its iron content helps in maintaining the right balance of thyroid hormones which basically boosts the functioning of the brain and proper development of the nervous system in the baby. Apart from this, one of the minerals of shrimp is selenium whose consumption during this conceived period helps a woman in reducing the risks associated with premature birth and miscarriage of the baby.  

Not only this but shrimp is also loaded with protein which is one of the most required macronutrients during pregnancy as it repairs damaged tissues, makes antibodies for better immunity, promotes better muscle movement, and also ensures the healthy weight of the baby during birth. 

Substitutes of Shrimp During Pregnancy

Apart from just eating shrimp, there are also some other types of seafood or fish that a pregnant woman can incorporate into her daily diet as they are not just great alternatives for making the taste buds happy but are also very safe to eat and give numerous health benefits. So, to know about them specifically, read the below-shared list: 

Substitutes of Shrimp During Pregnancy
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  • Crab
  • Catfish
  • Lobster
  • Salmon
  • Whitefish
  • Haddock
  • Cooked clams and oyster
  • Herring
  • Smelt
  • Anchovy

Seafood To Avoid in Pregnancy

Not every seafood is meant to be eaten during the pregnancy as most of them are high in mercury content which prohibits the healthy growth of the baby. So, to stay informed and make sure that you do not consume them during this crucial phase of your life, have a look at the list mentioned below:

Can pregnant women eat shrimp
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  • Marlin
  • King Mackerel
  • Shark
  • Bigeye Tuna
  • Tilefish
  • Swordfish

Moreover, there are also a few seafood items that are eaten raw or semi-cooked which can severely affect the health and growth of the mother and baby. So, make sure to avoid them as well just like other high-mercury seafoods. Furthermore, to help you better in this aspect, we made a list of such items which is mentioned below: 

  • Sushi
  • Raw scallops
  • Raw oysters
  • Ceviche
  • Sashimi
  • Raw clams
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1. How much shrimp can a pregnant woman eat in a week?

As per many sources, it is reported that a pregnant woman should not eat more than eight to twelve ounces of shrimp in a week which is around two to three servings only. 

2. What are the precautions for eating shrimp during pregnancy?

Avoiding the consumption of high-mercury, raw, and refrigerated or smoked seafood is the most suggested and crucial precaution when it comes to eating shrimp during pregnancy. 

3. Which seafood items should a pregnant woman eat or avoid?

Shrimp, catfish, lobster, salmon, whitefish, haddock, herring, smelt, and anchovy are some of the seafood that a woman can enjoy during her pregnancy period. However, marlin, shark, swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, bigeye tuna, sushi, raw scallops, sashimi, ceviche, and more are a few seafood and raw seafood dishes that should be avoided at any cost during the pregnancy phase. 

4. Can pregnant women eat shrimp?

Yes, pregnant women can eat shrimp as it is rich in minerals and nutrients including iron, iodine, choline, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, selenium, protein, and so on which helps in overall growth, functioning, and healthiness of the mother and baby during this period. 

5. What are the benefits of eating shrimp during pregnancy?

Eating shrimp during pregnancy helps the baby in cognitive development, making the heart healthy, development of the nervous system, proper functioning of the brain, reducing the risks of premature birth, repairing of damaged tissues, making of antibodies, promoting muscle movement, ensuring healthy baby weight, and so on.  


Above we shared a brief guide answering “Can pregnant women eat shrimp ” along with its other aspects such as nutritional values, benefits, alternatives, seafoods to avoid, and so on which might have helped you in understanding this topic in a far better way. However, during pregnancy, it is suggested that a lady should eat only what their gynecologist suggests and consult them directly in case of any queries as any irresponsible step during this sensitive phase can cause blunders. I hope the blog shares enough data and if you have any further queries then do connect with us through the comment box mentioned below. 

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