
Different Types of Headaches And Location: Complete Guide

types of headaches and location

It’s hard to find a person who hasn’t felt a headache in their life. However, the reason can differ. In simple words, there are so many different types of headaches and location. If you want to talk about this issue, we can help you.

This article will share the basics of headaches and their types. No matter if you get a headache often or want to learn the basics, this guide will be helpful for you. We will share all the details in this guide. So, make sure you read each point carefully. Let’s get started.

What is a Headache?

Before we talk about the types, you have to know the basics. In simple words, a headache is a pain that you can feel inside your brain. The funny thing is your brain can’t handle the pain cause it does not have a pain receptor.

In this case, you can feel the pain in blood vessels, muscles, and nerves that are surrounded by your head, face, and neck. There are several reasons, such as tension, dehydration, and sleep deprivation.

Moreover, we can divide headaches into two types; primary and secondary. In the next section, we will share the types of headaches and their location. When you know about them, it would be easier for the treatment.

Top Types of Headaches And Location

Now, you know the basic details of headaches. You see, there are a lot of reasons for this health condition. If you are confused, we will cover the types of headaches and location in the following list:

types of headaches and location

1. Migraine

Migraine is one of the most common headaches. If you have a migraine, you can feel a pulsing sensation on one side of your head. Most migraine attacks can stay for hours. In some cases, it can stay for several days. The cause of migraine can be different such as changes in weather, sleep deprivation, smoking, specific lights, sounds, dehydration, and more.

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2. Cluster Headache

Cluster headache is another common pain among people. The location of the cluster can be on one side of your head and behind your eyes. Well, this pain can stay for a few weeks or months. Some of the common symptoms of the cluster are teary eyes, flushed face, runny nose, and restlessness. The exact reason for this type of headache is still unknown.

3. Tension Headache

When we are talking about the most common types of headaches, we have to include tension headaches. If you have this pain, you can experience different symptoms such as tightness in the shoulders, neck, and jaw. Most people experience dull pain at the back of the forehead and neck. The good thing is you can get rid of this pain by taking painkillers.

4. Hemicrania Continua

Hemicrania continua is another moderate headache you can have. Well, this type of pain can last up to 3 months. However, the intensity can increase during this time. According to some studies, around 1% of headaches are Hemicrania Continua. The primary symptoms of this headache are eye redness, eyelid drooping, restlessness, and forehead sweating.

5. Thunderclap Headache

Thunderclap is an intense headache and it can peak at the highest level within minutes. Even it’s a rare type but it can be very serious for your health. On the other hand, thunderclap can be a symptom of a serious condition such as brain injury, stroke, vasculitis, and blood blockage. If you experience this, you have to get medical attention as soon as possible.

6. Ice Pick Headache

Ice pick headache is another moderate type. It stays for a short period so that you don’t need medical attention. On the other hand, it can be hard to treat as it stays for a short period. The good thing is you can follow some prevention methods such as melatonin, indomethacin, and gabapentin to get rid of an ice pick in the future.

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7. Caffeine Headache

In some cases, you can also have caffeine headaches. It happens when you intake a reasonable level of caffeine. On the other hand, this type of pain can occur when quitting drinking caffeine. If you want to get rid of this pain, you have changed your lifestyle. Plus, you can also take painkillers in this case.

8. Spinal Headache

We can’t leave this one when we are talking about the types of headaches and location. In most cases, the spinal headache comes and goes automatically. However, you have to be careful. On the other hand, the treatment of this type of pain is hydration. If it’s something serious, you have to contact a doctor.

9. Post-traumatic Headache

Most people can develop a post-traumatic headache after a head injury. The symptoms of this headache are similar to tension and migraine. So, you might need medical attention to get rid of it. However, it’s not common for other people.

10. Allergy

Last but not least, allergy is another reason why you can have headaches. In some cases, your headache can happen due to an allergic reaction. You can experience pain in your sinus area. However, some people treat migraine headaches as sinus headaches. In this case, you have to be more careful. People can have chronic allergies as well.


Headaches can be irritating most of the time. If you get headaches after, it would be good if you find the right reason. We have shared the types of headaches and location in this article. If you need more information, you can start your research online. Moreover, you can also contact a doctor to clear your confusion.


Q: How do I know if my headache is serious?

Even though headache is a common health issue, it can get serious in some cases. If you are getting some unusual symptoms such as loss of balance, memory loss, change in vision, and confusion, it can be serious.

Q: What are the 4 common types of headaches?

There are some common types of headaches such as migraine, tension, sinus, and cluster.


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