
Inspire Sleep Apnea: What is it, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

inspire sleep apnea

Healthy sleep is essential for fruitful activity. Thanks to him, current information is processed, and strength is restored. But most people complain that they don’t feel refreshed upon waking up. There can be several reasons for lack of sleep, and sometimes it indicates the onset of a serious illness. In this article, you can know about Inspire Sleep Apnea: What is it, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Methods.

Features of human breathing in a dream

Saturation of blood with oxygen and the elimination of excess carbon dioxide from the body is considered a vital function. Therefore, breathing does not stop for a minute. During a night’s rest, all muscle tissue relaxes. As a result, the air passing through the upper respiratory tract causes the walls to vibrate. This is how the sounds of snoring appear.

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Apnea, according to ICD-10, belongs to the class of diseases of the nervous system. Patients wake up due to suffocation, as the airways are blocked, and the activity of their muscles remains.

The volume of oxygen and carbon dioxide contained in the blood changes.

Due to hypoxia, the body takes another breath to get the missing air, but such attempts remain unsuccessful and only cause a person’s micro-awakening.

Experts distinguish two more forms of the disease: central and mixed. The mechanism of their occurrence is different, but the symptoms are similar. If attacks of suffocation occur frequently, the quality of rest suffers, as a result of which obstructive inspire sleep apnea syndrome develops.

Development mechanism

Sometimes the violations occurring are explained by the tightness of the pharyngeal muscles. I am breathing stops because the airflow gap closes for a certain time. Therefore, in this case, the disease is named from the word “obstruction” or blockage.

These obstacles develop gradually over the years. When the airway narrows, soft tissues vibrate. The person begins to snore as a result of which the volume of oxygen supplied to the lungs will be much less. In this case, the initial signs of hypoxia appear. In the morning, patients experience hypertension and headaches, and during the day – drowsiness.

Causes of occurrence

In most cases, the disease affects overweight people. The fatty deposits that appear on the outer part of the pharynx squeeze it, the muscles lose their tone, and the patient stops breathing. In addition to obesity, other reasons can provoke pathology:

  • Endocrine Disorders.
  • Brain trauma.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • Taking medications (tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and sedatives, testosterone).
  • The use of tobacco and alcohol.
  • Anatomical features (narrowness of the nasal passages, enlargement of the soft palate, and tonsils).
  • The curvature of the nasal septum, neoplasms present in it.
  • Allergic or chronic rhinitis.
  • Heart failure.

The emerging option of upper airway stimulation therapy - Mayo Clinic

Sleep Apnea : Symptoms

Since these abnormalities appear in a sleeping state, they are best seen by a roommate. The main symptoms of the disease are loud snoring and long pauses between breaths, after which a person snores and breathing is restored.

  • Heartburn at night.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Heavy sweating.
  • Dry mouth.
  • It increased limb mobility.
  • Waking up due to feeling of lack of air.
  • Headaches in the morning.
  • Daytime sleepiness.
  • Decreased performance.
  • Mental retardation.
  • Decreased libido.

At-risk groups

The likelihood of the onset of the disease is greater in men. Age-related changes can provoke disruptions in the respiratory processes. Also, at risk are:

  • Persons with metabolic disorders (extreme obesity).
  • Allergy sufferers.
  • Hypertensive patients.
  • Women during pregnancy and menopause.

Some have a hereditary predisposition to this disease. The abnormal structure of the lower jaw, anatomical features of the nasopharynx and larynx can influence the development of the syndrome.

Health hazard

Some consider such anomalies harmless, so they do nothing. But from the point of view of somnology, this ailment has several dangers, and sometimes the risk of death increases heart failure, ischemic heart disease.

  • Heart attack, stroke.
  • The shift in metabolism.
  • Neurotic conditions.

A good night’s rest especially suffers—the lack of oxygen signals the brain to wake up to prevent choking.

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Such micro-awakenings are characterized by a state of drowsiness, which reduces the duration of the deep sleep phase or even leads to their absence.

Oxygen starvation and lack of deep sleep interfere with growth hormone production. At the same time, even attempts to lose weight remain unsuccessful. Fat deposits in the cervical spine contribute to the progression of the disease. Therefore, such cases require special and timely treatment.

Diagnostics of violations

The sonologist is engaged in the identification of this pathology. After interviewing the patient, he prescribes a diagnosis. Mandatory procedures in such cases are:

  • Clinical blood analysis and study of its gas composition.
  • Respiratory function research.
  • Radiography of the lungs.

Pathology treatment

The therapy program will depend on the type of syndrome identified and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.


There are no drugs as such to treat the syndrome. But drugs that eliminate the accompanying symptoms can be helpful. These include corticosteroids, drugs used to combat narcolepsy, nasal drops, and sprays that moisturize the nasopharyngeal lining.


Surgical intervention is carried out in extreme cases when serious complications are found (adenoids, a curvature of the nasal septum). There are several types of operations that improve the quality of life of patients. These include:

  • Laser plastic surgery of the soft palate.
  • Bariatric Surgery.
  • Use of fixtures

The use of intraoral devices is effective in mild forms of obstructive sleep apnea. Special mouth guards and applicators expand the lumen of the pharynx and keep the lower jaw in the correct position.

Folk remedies

An alternative to drug treatment is traditional medicine. Her arsenal includes recipes with herbs, honey, and other natural ingredients. Such simple procedures as salt baths, nasal instillation with a solution of sea salt or sea buckthorn oil, the use of cabbage juice, relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Additional tips for apnea sufferers

Sometimes in solving a problem, you can do without consulting a specialist. Many patients have seen positive results by following simple guidelines:

  • Get rid of bad habits.
  • Sleep on your side.
  • Do not overeat at night.
  • Lose weight.
  • Provide free breathing through the nose.

All About Obstructive inspire sleep apnea.

With sleep apnea, there is a temporary, repeated cessation of breathing, due to which the performance of the lungs gradually decreases. How to perform inspire sleep apnea treatment, and what complications the disease has, as well as other pressing questions and answers to them – below.


Poor sleep, daytime sleepiness, and poor memory can contribute to inspire sleep apnea. What is sleep, apnea? This is a condition characterized by respiratory arrest for 10 seconds or more.

In front of him, a person takes several deep breaths, sometimes accompanied by pronounced snoring. After that, there is a sudden stop of snoring and breathing with it, and only after the patient snores heavily and begins to breathe.

There are more than three hundred such stops per night, and this seriously affects the quality of sleep.

Moreover, patients usually do not remember whether they woke up at night. Drowsiness can occur spontaneously, and it is dangerous for such patients to drive a car because acute drowsiness also occurs while driving. Statistics indicate that sleep apnea syndrome is often the cause of accidents.

Obstructive, inspire sleep apnea syndrome (or OSA) is one of the most common sleep disorders. Its development occurs when soft tissues in the back of the larynx collapse, and the airways are completely blocked. Then a similar syndrome occurs. It is characterized by blockage of the airways at night due to complete muscle relaxation.

With problematic breathing during sleep, a person awakens from a lack of oxygen. But there are also cases when the blockage of the airways is incomplete, due to which breathing is also continuous, but superficial. With it, snoring occurs, but snoring does not always indicate inspire sleep apnea or hypopnea.


With a long-term illness, there is no quality sleep. A patient with sleep apnea develops symptoms similar to neurological diseases:

  • extreme tiredness;
  • impaired attention and memory;
  • psychological depression and irritability;
  • in some cases – potency problems;
  • a decrease in working capacity;
  • strong drowsiness during the day;
  • severe morning cephalalgia;
  • loud snoring, sometimes abruptly interrupted.

In children, the symptomatology is somewhat different from the signs of OSAS in adults:

  • the child makes more effort with each breath;
  • inattention appears;
  • some children have urinary incontinence;
  • in the morning, the baby may have a headache;
  • in height and weight, a pronounced discrepancy is possible.

Sleep position and sleeping arrangements

Body position has a marked effect on the frequency of nocturnal attacks. Usually, people who sleep on their backs suffer, so in this case, you need to try to lie on your side. To do this, use special pillows or put something under the mattress.

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Characteristics of types of sleep apnea

Episodic stops of respiratory movements during sleep are observed in people of any age. If they are single – up to 5 manifestations per hour, and short-term – less than 10 seconds, this indicates the norm. Pathological signs of inspiring sleep apnea syndrome are an increase in the number of cases of lack of breathing and uncontrolled closure of the muscles of the larynx for a long time.

The developmental classification divides nocturnal respiratory dysfunctions into three types:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome manifests itself with pathological changes in the organs of the nasopharynx. As a consequence, a decrease in oxygen concentration, then an interruption in sleep due to the physiological need for immediate inhalation.
  • Central sleep apnea syndrome is much less common. It develops due to violations of neuronal and muscle signaling due to respiratory failure (impaired gas exchange) or organic damage to brain cells (hemorrhage, neoplasm). Episodes of respiratory arrest are caused by a temporary partial or complete absence of nerve impulses coming from the respiratory center of the central nervous system to the muscles. Motor efforts are not carried out (in contrast to the obstructive form of apnea). Therefore, during sleep, severe hypoxemia may develop. As a result, sudden death.
  • Mixed sleep apnea syndrome is characterized by a combination of complexes of simultaneous manifestations of obstructive and central forms of pathological attacks of breath-holding. This disease is the most dangerous.

The severity of the pathology (a form of OSAS) is determined only by specialists depending on the frequency of repeated episodes of respiratory arrest (per hour) according to the apnea and hypopnea index. Below is a table. The sooner you turn to doctors to diagnose the initial degree of pathology, the more successful the treatment will be.

Symptoms indicating the development of the syndrome

Symptoms indicating the development of the syndrome What is apnea and how to notice it in time? A person cannot independently determine the presence of the syndrome, since he forgets that he woke up, and also does not hear how loudly he snores. Men suffer more from the development of apnea syndrome than women.

At the risk of rapid progression of the disease, people with metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes, neurological, respiratory and cardiac pathologies, as well as bad habits (drinkers, smoke lovers). Therefore, it is precise to these categories of relatives and friends that special attention should be paid.

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Signs of OSAS in adults

The main symptoms indicating the development of sleep apnea syndrome are as follows:

  • loud, rolling snoring, interrupted by seconds (minutes) of complete silence, then resuming with renewed vigor;
  • superficial sleep, with periodic sharp movements of the limbs;
  • during the night, sudden awakenings, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • there may be coughing fits, difficulty breathing;
  • there is an increase in episodes of nocturnal urination;
  • on awakening, suffocation occurs, a feeling of lack of air;
  • disturbs the feeling of physical impotence and excruciating sleepiness during the day;
  • there is a decrease in the concentration of attention, a deterioration in the ability to memorize;
  • the indicator of sugar level increases;
  • a decrease in libido and potency develops.

So, there is an increase in body weight and subcutaneous adipose tissue, which leads to an even greater development of the disease.

Symptoms of sleep apnea in Childhood

  • loud snoring with silent pauses,
  • teeth grinding, drowsiness, fatigue during the daytime,
  • mainly mouth breathing,
  • coughing attacks, shortness of breath,
  • restless sleep with twitching of arms, legs
  • increased sweating

blue discoloration (or developing pallor) of the skin of the nasolabial region and oral mucosa during an attack during sleep,

All of the listed symptoms of the syndrome are similar to the signs of neurological diseases. Therefore, in order to carry out correct treatment, it is very important to determine the conditions and prerequisites for the onset of pathology.

Why you can’t refuse qualified treatment

The prognosis for complications of recurrent nocturnal seizure syndrome can be very poor.

  • Even with a mild degree of sleep apnea, the human body does not rest at night.
  • People experience physical and emotional overload against the background of oxygen starvation of brain cells, which leads to a decrease in attention.

As a result, numerous man-made accidents occur on roads, factories, and motor ships. In addition, untimely treatment of a severe stage of any disease, which is the main cause of sudden respiratory arrest during sleep, threatens a person with serious pathologies: the development of a heart attack, stroke, cardiac arrest due to arrhythmia, and death.

Self-medication for inspire sleep apnea syndrome is useless and dangerous because neither traditional herbal healers nor commercial agents selling pills, dietary supplements, and dubious devices “for all diseases” have a magic remedy to prevent respiratory arrest during sleep. And the use of medicines without a doctor’s prescription can aggravate the manifestations of pathology, as well as cause new irreversible destructive processes for the body.

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