Food & Nutrition

Make Tasty and Healthy Ground Turkey and Rice Recipes with Seasonings and Sauces

Every one of us knows that the combination of plain rice and turkey is the best to intake healthy carbohydrates in the body. The meal is helpful for all looking for weight loss. However, fitness freaks may feel bored consuming the meal after a few weeks. If you feel bored with your regular meal, you may try some tasty ground turkey and rice recipes.

Preparation Method to Cook Tasty Recipes

Regardless of the taste or flavor, you want to add to your ground turkey and rice recipes, the basic preparatory steps will be the same. The steps include-

Cook each of the ground turkeys based on 4 to 5 ounces per meal.

Cook the white rice as per half cup for a single meal.

Regardless of ground turkey and rice recipes, you will get your basic ingredients ready in a single sitting. Hence, you may choose one prepped dish for the week and add a sauce or seasoning of your choice with a combination of green and healthy veggies.

Ground Turkey and Rice with BBQ Sauce

Do you want to turn your rice and turkey into a recipe that tastes like BBQ while maintaining low calories? You may add a sugar-free sauce cooked in BBQ style. Alternatively, you may get any one of the two popular BBQ sauces named G Hughes and Sweet Baby Ray available easily at many good stores.

Ingredients You Need

  • 2 cups of broccoli
  • Half cup of white rice in cooked form
  • 4 to 5 ounces of ground turkey
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar-free sauce cooked in BBQ style
read more:  Vegetarian nachos For Your Next Meal

Note-You should add the BBQ sauce at the time of cooking your turkey or simply after you season the dish.

Turkey and Rice Recipe in Taco Bell Flavor

The addition of Taco Bell sauce makes one of the delicious and low-calorie ground turkey and rice recipes. The taco sauce has only 15 calories in a single tablespoon.

Ingredients You Need

  • Half cup of cooked rice 
  • 4 to 5 ounces of ground turkey
  • A single tablespoon of mild sour cream
  • Half cup of lettuce leaves
  • 4 cherry tomatoes and 20 grams of avocado
  • A single tablespoon of mild sauce by Taco Bell
  • Depending on your choice, you may even add a single teaspoon of Nacho cheddar

Note-You have to add Taco Bell sauce after cooking the ground turkey. Simultaneously, you should add sour cream, tomatoes, and avocado. Finally, stir the added sauce and cream uniformly with a spoon.

Ground Turkey and Rice with Fajita Seasoning 

There are tons of ways to prepare the healthy ground turkey and rice recipes. One such way is to add a fajita seasoning, which you may easily get from your nearby local store. In most cases, people use the seasoning envelope in the meat and cook it on a medium flame and in a high skillet.

Ingredients You Need

  • Half cup of cooked rice
  • 4 to 5 ounces of ground turkey
  • One-fourth cup of onion
  • 100 grams of red bell pepper
  • A single stock of green onion
  • 25 grams of avocado and
  • 1 teaspoon of fajita seasoning

Try the Healthy Rice and Turkey Recipe in Greek Style

You may try the healthy ground turkey and rice recipes in Greek style. Accordingly, the dish consists of red onions, feta cheese, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Furthermore, you may add Italian dressing to bring flavors to the meat and veggies included in your recipe.

Ingredients You Need-

  • Half cup of white rice in cooked form
  • 4 to 5 ounces of ground turkey
  • 2 mini cucumbers
  • 5 cherry tomatoes
  • One-fourth red onion
  • One-fourth cup of feta cheese or any other fat-free cheese
  • 2 tablespoons of olive garden-based Italian dressing

Italian Style Dish with Spaghetti Sauce 

You may even cook ground turkey and rice in the Italian style by adding some spaghetti sauce. However, before you buy a spaghetti sauce, make sure to check its labels. You have to look for the sauce that contains mainly tomatoes and add sugar in small amounts. In this way, you may maintain low calories in your diet.

Ingredients You Need

  • About 4 to 5 ounces of ground turkey
  • Half cup of white rice in cooked form
  • Approximately one ounce of low-calorie spaghetti sauce
  • One-fourth of onion
  • 100 grams of zucchini or summer squash
  • 3 to 4 cherry tomatoes

Turkey Fried Rice

Turkey fried rice is also a popular dish prepared by using white rice and ground turkey. Here, you may add fried eggs and soy sauce to give flavor to your fried rice.

Ingredients You Need

  • About 4 to 5 ounces of ground turkey
  • Half cup of white rice in cooked form
  • One tablespoon of soy sauce
  • One egg in a whisked form
  • One cup of beans, corn, carrots, and frozen peas

Asian Style Stir Fry Ground Turkey and Rice

Fitness freaks looking for tasty recipes with ground turkey and rice may even try Asian style or stir-fried turkey and rice. You may add bean sprouts, veggies, and teriyaki marinade/sauce to make your dish more delicious and nutritious.

Ingredients You Need-

  • ER65Half cup of rice in cooked form MMMO’
  • 4 to 5 ounces of ground turkey
  • About 4 to 5 ounces of bean sprouts
  • A single and medium size onion
  • One big size of red bell pepper
  • One tablespoon of teriyaki marinade/sauce (sugar-free preferable)

Health Benefits of Ground Turkey and Rice

Many nutritionists consider ground turkey a powerhouse of protein. On the other side, fitness freaks include it in their daily diet because it is a lean protein source. Ground turkey also has zero carbohydrates, low fat, and protein in high amounts. Moreover, you may consider turkey as a substitute for beef if you want a lean variety of meat.

On the other hand, rice is an excellent source of healthy carbohydrates to lean by many people. It is easily digestible and does not any allergies among people. Moreover, rice may convert into positive energy in no time.


Depending on your preferred seasoning or sauce, you will get unique and mouthwatering variations in your ground turkey and rice recipes. Therefore, you need a few variations to maintain a low-calorie count and improve your weight loss without compromising your taste.

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