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Non-surgical Brow Lift: Effects, Types, & More!

Non-surgical Brow Lift

We are all victims of aging. As we grow old, wrinkles and fine lines start appearing on our face, and our skin starts dropping along with eyelids and eyebrows. Today we bring you how one can lift their brow with the assistance of non-surgical brow lift treatment. Let’s get to know about the treatment, the types, aftercare, and much more!

Non-surgical Brow Lift

Non-Surgical Brow Lift

In recent times, non-surgical brow lift has passed the test to be the safer substitute for regular surgical brow lifts. It is also appraised to be the trouble-free way to go if an individual is contemplating undergoing a brow lift treatment. Even though this treatment has been popular for the past few years, we refuse to rule out the records where there were ample occurrences of permanent scars, several infections, and in some reports – paralysis (nerve). Unlike the surgical brow lifts, this treatment lifts your eyebrows for a temporary period of time. This concludes that it is a repetitive expense if you review this surgery in the long run.

Thus, before undergoing the non-surgical brow lift treatment, one should consult skin specialists if the treatment will be fitting for them or not. They can give you insights regarding the sort of treatment you should go for – surgical or non-surgical. They can also refine your choice from the above two categories, given that there are various types of surgical and non-surgical brow lift treatments available for an individual.

Ample fusions of cosmetic injections are utilized in the course of action of a non-surgical brow lift. These injections replenish the skin with the lost protein, which helps the skin tighten and glow. The injections mainly consist of the protein – collagen, which helps in skin tightening and prevents the skin from dropping. With increasing age, there is a reduction in the production of collagen in the body, which causes wrinkles and saggy skin in most individuals. Non-surgical brow lifts dispense with the restoration of collagen in the skin and helps it to attain its previous state with an added glow.

Non-surgical Brow Lift

Types of Non-Surgical Brow Lifts

There are different types of non-surgical brow lifts available in the market for you to choose from. Let us have a look at the various options that are available for you:

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1. Botox injections

Botox mainly replenishes the elastin in our skin. This helps in the depletion of the fine lines and wrinkles on our skin and provides a smooth and even tone. It also lifts up and rejuvenates your skin and makes it look a lot younger. It mainly smoothens the muscles of our skin. Botox relies on botulinum toxin, essentially a neurotoxin, to do its job. The neurotoxin primarily stops the passage of signals from neurotransmitters to muscles. Thus, the muscles around the brow area relax, and the skin has an even tone.

2. Dermal fillers in amalgamation with Botox

These fillers mainly assist you in regaining the plump of your skin. It replenishes your skin with a healthy glow and also hydrates your skin. There are various types of dermal fillers available in the market which serve divergent purposes. For example – doctors generally prefer Juvéderm Voluma if you are suffering from acute volume loss of brows. This filler helps to regain the previous mass of your brow with the assistance of hyaluronic acid. Volume loss of brows can also be treated with another dermal filler – Restylane. It provides an even tone of skin after the treatment is complete and increases the manufacture of elastin in your skin.

To uplift your brows, doctors also opt for the dermal filler – Radiesse. It initiates the production of collagen by way of Calcium Hydroxyapatite which aids the depletion of wrinkles and fine lines around the face in inclusion to uplifting the eyebrows. A very popular dermal filler recommended by doctors nowadays is – Sculptra. Unlike the other fillers, Sculptra carries on the process of collagen formation in the skin for more than 5 weeks. But before you choose any of the above dermal fillers, it is absolutely necessary that you consult with your doctor. He/she will be able to evaluate the genre of fillers you require.

Skin tightening laser brow treatment

Skin tightening laser treatments are of 2 types – Ultherapy and Thermage. The former is basically an ultrasonic skin tightening therapy that requires quite a few sessions spread over a span of a few months. Thermage skin tightening is the new treatment that is preferred by doctors nowadays. It mainly boosts the manufacture of collagen in the skin by heating up the lower layers of skin through radiofrequency. Unlike Ultherapy, this requires only one treatment session. The outcomes of these medicaments are even, smooth, glowing, and wrinkle-free skin.


Non-surgical Brow Lift

Cost of non-surgical brow lift treatment

The price of non-surgical brow lifts differs from patient to patient. Each client has a different area of focus which calls for different rate charts. A simple Botox injection for smooth and tight eyebrows would cost less than a skin tightening laser therapy. You cannot put a clear estimation regarding the cost of the non-surgical brow lift treatment. You need to consult your doctor; he/she would then recommend the sort of medicaments that you should undergo, and only then can one evaluate the price of the course of action.

Care after the non-surgical brow lift treatment

There are no strict restrictions when it comes to the maintenance of the brow lift treatment. Moreover, all the aftercare is the same, even if you go for different types of treatment. The most important thing that needs to be kept in mind is the prevention of direct exposure to sunlight. Direct exposure to the sun may cause the area around your brows to welt or blow up.

Thus, if it is not an emergency, it is advised that the patient stay back at home for some days or use sunscreen while going out. The second thing that one should keep in mind is avoidance of any pressure around the treatment area. One must refrain from putting any pressure around your brow area and abstain from any massages or else the Botox fillers might slip into other areas of your face and cause other problems for you. Other than these two, you are absolutely free to carry on with your regular life.

Non-surgical brow lifts treatment – How long does it last?

Since the individual opted for the non-surgical brow lift, the outcomes are temporary. Unfortunately, they are expected to fade away after a certain expanse of time. Different types of non-surgical brow lifts take a different amount of time to fade away. Skin tightening treatments are retained for at least 1.5 years, whereas the Botox injections last a maximum of 6 months. If one chooses to opt for a Botox treatment, then he/she has to line up sessions twice a year. Dermal fillers also require follow-up sessions if the patient wants to retain his/her evened out and smooth brows. Before the patient lines up sessions, it is important that they have a word with the doctor.

Final Thoughts

We have come to the end of our blog today. We hope that we were able to give you some insights regarding non-surgical brow lift treatment. Make sure you act in accordance with your doctor’s precautions before signing up for this treatment. Have a nice day!

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