Food & Nutrition

9 Best Salmon And Pasta Recipes You Should Try Once

Invented by Italians, pasta is one of the best dishes in today’s world. It’s now a worldwide favorite dish. It only happened because of the taste and unique recipes. Hence, you can try different experiments when it comes to pasta. For example, there are some amazing salmon and pasta recipes.

If you want to do something new, there are various recipes available. The best thing is it will take minutes to prepare a dish. In this case, we will help you by providing some unique recipes.

That’s why we researched new things and handpicked the top salmon pasta recipes on the internet. Make sure you read each point to make the best dish with pasta and salmon. So, let’s find out.

Best Salmon And Pasta Recipes

When it comes to unique recipes, there are so many options available for pasta. The same goes for salmon. And these two ingredients can create magic. That’s why you will find many salmon and pasta recipes online. In the following list, we will share our handpicked recipes:

1. Creamy Salmon And Pasta

As pasta is one of our favorite food items, you can try new things. In this case, creamy salmon and pasta take the first place. If health is an issue, it’s not a good recipe for you. So, don’t eat this dish regularly if you want to lose weight

There are two ways to prepare this dish; pan-fried and baked. Make sure you try two methods. It takes nearly 40 minutes to prepare this dish.

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2. Healthy Salmon Pasta

When creamy salmon pasta isn’t the right one for you, this healthy salmon pasta is the right one for you. The best thing is you can include this item in your daily diet. And it tastes heavenly.

On the other hand, this healthy salmon pasta doesn’t need a lot of ingredients. You can also use reduced fat crème fraîche for this dish. Add vegetables and other ingredients as per your preference.

3. Light Lemon Garlic Salmon Pasta

When we are talking about the best salmon and pasta recipes, we can’t miss out on light lemon garlic salmon pasta. The best thing about this dish is it has simplicity and freshness.

You need some simple items including garlic, basil, olive oil, lemon juice, salmon, and pasta. You don’t need to add the cream sauce to this dish. Plus, don’t use too many ingredients for light lemon garlic salmon pasta as well.

4. Seaside Pasta With Vegetables

If you are a seafood lover, this seaside pasta with vegetables will be your favorite dish. On the other hand, it’s a good healthy dish. Fresh broccoli, fresh dill, and feta can make this recipe perfect.

You need less than 30 minutes to prepare this item. Make sure you keep the dish as light as possible, especially when you want something healthy.

5. Smoked Salmon Pasta in Alfredo Sauce

Want to try something different? The good thing about salmon pasta is you can try different ingredients. In this case, you can try smoked salmon pasta in alfredo sauce. Use Parmesan cheese, red pepper flakes, and whipped cream to make this dish more delicious.

However, it’s not a good recipe when you are looking for a healthy option. On the other hand, you have to add white wine and artichoke for smoked salmon pasta as well.

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6. Red Pepper Salmon Pasta

Do you love spicy things? If healthy food isn’t an issue, you have to try red pepper salmon pasta once. The unique taste of this dish will steal your heart, especially when you are a heat lover.

Decorate this dish with red bell peppers, cilantro, and minced jalapenos. On the other hand, you can also try baked red pepper salmon pasta. It tastes quite similar to the normal one.

7. Mediterranean Salmon Pasta Salad

There are so many Mediterranean salmon and pasta recipes available on the internet. Hence, you can add different ingredients as per your requirement. However, if it’s your first time, you can try this simple recipe.

This pasta salad is very easy to prepare and you need less than 30 minutes. Moreover, you can even use leftover salmon to prepare this recipe. You can include this salad dish in breakfast or lunch.

8. Stuffed Pasta Wheel

The stuffed pasta wheel is one of the most unique dishes on this list. Besides the attractive look, this pasta wheel is super delicious. Even though you can use different items to prepare this dish, it tastes best with salmon.

Besides fresh salmon, you can also use canned salmon in this case. Fill it with Parmesan cheese and spinach to add a rich flavor. And don’t worry, preparing this amazing thing doesn’t take a lot of time.

9. Creamy Salmon Leek Pasta

The creamy sauce goes well with pasta, especially when you want to add salmon to it. This creamy salmon leek pasta isn’t an exception. However, the taste of this dish is quite different from the normal creamy pasta.

You have to add creme fraiche and dijon mustard to add a tangy flavor. In simple words, this dish has a perfect balance of tangy, spicy, and sweet flavors.


As we noted above, so many recipes are available on the internet. We have shared the best ones. Hence, you can add some twists to create something new. For more details, you can start your research online.

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