
How Long Does It Take for a Dentist for Root Canal Treatment?

Endodontists perform root canals when infection or irritation reaches a tooth’s pulp. Nerves, blood arteries, and connective tissue are in the tooth’s pulp. When a tooth’s dental pulp is destroyed by trauma, a systemic infection, or substantial decay, a pus-filled pocket or abscess occurs at the tooth’s base. Root canals save teeth, relieve pain, and prevent infection from spreading.

The Steps in Root Canal Treatment

  • To perform root canal therapy, a Dentist in Coppell or an endodontist will first numb the gums around the affected tooth or teeth, similar to how they would for a filling.
  • Once the gum and tooth have become numb, the dentist can drill into the tooth’s crown and remove the infected pulp. After the pulp has been removed and the tooth has been cleaned and disinfected by an endodontist, a protective antibacterial coating will be placed.
  • Tooth decay can be prevented by coating the affected tooth with a synthetic or paste filling and sealing the tooth.
  • To have a crown or filling permanently placed, you may need to return to the dentist or endodontist for a second appointment.

What Factors Affect the Length of a Root Canal?

Root canals can usually be done in a single sitting, taking anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes. There are a lot of variables that can lengthen or shorten the duration of a root canal procedure and they are:

  • Because of the extreme root canal infection
  • Where in the mouth the afflicted tooth is situated
  • If the tooth requires a crown or a permanent filling in the future
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How Long Does It Take to Heal After Getting a Root Canal?

A root canal takes longer than a regular filling because of all the preparatory work required to anaesthetize, set up, prepare, carve out, rinse, disinfect, and seal the tooth’s nerve. Most root canal treatments only take between 30 and 60 minutes to finish. A visit to the dentist or endodontist may take as long as 90 minutes or more if the specialist recommends a permanent filling or crown for the tooth.

Root canals can take anything from a few hours to a few days to complete, depending on the complexity of the canal system, the position and severity of the infection, and the patient’s cooperation. Each tooth has a unique number of roots, ranging from one to three. Root canal treatment for various teeth types typically takes the following amounts of time: 

Sharp Teeth and Pointy Ones

The canines and incisors in your upper and lower jaws conduct the bulk of the work in tearing and slicing food while you chew. They are easier to treat and fill because they only have one root.

Because there is just one root, they are simpler to treat and fill in a root canal. Even if you only need a filling, it can take up to an hour to get a root canal on a front tooth, and that doesn’t include any waiting time for a crown.

Crown placement on the same appointment as a root canal is uncommon, so you should plan on at least an extra hour for both procedures.

Only if your dentist has the ability to make the crown on the spot is this an option. Crown placement following a root canal procedure may be delayed, depending on the severity of the infection and your dentist’s instructions. 

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Premolars are the teeth in the back of the mouth that are located closest to the jaw. Depending on whether they have single or double roots, pulling them out of the ground could take up to an hour.


Large teeth in the back of the mouth called molars can have up to four canals each. A root canal operation on a molar usually takes around an hour and a half to complete on average.


Different factors, including the location of the afflicted tooth and the severity of the damage, might determine how long it takes to finish a root canal operation for a given patient.

Remember that avoiding an emergency room visit caused by a tooth condition by not going to the Dentist in Folsom is always the better option. If you’re concerned about the length of time a root canal will take, you should discuss your concerns with your dentist so that you can set appropriate expectations.

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