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Breast cancer treatment

breast cancer treatment

Breast cancer is one of the causes of high mortality in women. To date, the success of breast cancer treatment of most of the oncological diseases directly depends on timely diagnosis and, therefore, late seeking medical help leads to tragic consequences. Therefore, every woman needs to know by what early signs of breast cancer treatment can be suspected. Who is at high risk of this disease.

Early signs of breast cancer

Every woman needs to self-check regularly. To do this, just go to the mirror and carefully examine your chest.

In most cases, the following symptoms can be seen:

But even if visually it seems that there are no problems, every woman after 40 years (this practice exists in Israel) should undergo mammography regularly, at least once a year.

Conduct an ultrasound of the mammary glands. Studies show that about 80% of all sick women were able to notice the first symptoms of breast cancer on their own. Basically, among all the detected tumor formations, most of them are benign.

also, It is important to remember that a disease detected at an early stage is utterly curable in almost 90% of cases, and the third stage is treatable by only 40%.

Groups and risk factors

A risk factor is any condition or exposure that increases the likelihood of disease. It is essential to know that the mere fact of having one or even more risk factors for breast cancer does not mean that a woman will automatically get it. Some women with a range of these factors never develop cancer, while a significant number of breast cancer patients do not have apparent risk factors.

High-risk group

These are women who have already had cancer of one of the mammary glands. They have an increased risk of new cancer developing in another breast or a different area of ​​the same chest.

Moderate risk group

Slightly increased risk group.

Breast cancer is not a sentence.

Today, breast cancer is not a “death sentence.” In modern medicine, there are different methods of dealing with the disease: radiation and drug therapy (including targeted therapy), surgical intervention.

Breast cancer treatment strategy depends on many factors: the type of cancer, stage, the sensitivity of tumor cells to hormones. Immunohistochemical characteristics of the tumor. As well as the general condition of the patient. The main radical treatment for breast cancer is surgery. If the disease is diagnosed early, the surgeon can remove the tumor tissue with a small part of the surrounding healthy tissue (lumpectomy). For larger tumors, the entire breast is removed (mastectomy), as well as the lymph nodes closest to it, which may contain metastases. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are usually used after surgery to kill any cancer cells that may have remained in the body. And also, before surgery – to reduce the size of the tumor and make the intervention more effective.

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Treatment of breast cancer is a very complex problem; however, in recent years, with the introduction of new chemotherapy drugs, methods of radiation therapy, targeted treatment, significant progress have been achieved in this section of clinical oncology.

In breast cancer, in the complex of therapeutic measures, almost the entire arsenal of the main antitumor effects is used: surgical method, radiation therapy, drug treatment – chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy.

Clinical – age, state of ovarian-menstrual function, degree of prevalence of the tumor process (in primary patients – stage of the disease), size and localization of the primary tumor; and morphological – histological and immunohistochemical variant of the tumor, the number of metastatic regional lymph nodes, the degree of tumor malignancy, the receptor status of the tumor, the expression of the HER2 / neu gene, the degree of the Ki-67 tumor anti-infective activity. Systemic – chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy.

Read More: Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer treatment at different stages

Women who are suspected of having a tumor at an appointment with a mammologist oncologist often ask: “Is my type of cancer treatable?” Within the limits of the article, it is impossible to answer the question at what stage in which treatment will be most effective. Women with the same stage may be offered completely different treatments depending on their age, health status, characteristics of the tumor itself, and so on. Medical practice knows cases when the life of patients with stage 4 was extended by several years while maintaining its quality at a sufficiently high level.

Methods used to treat breast cancer?


Regardless of the formal stages

It must be remembered that each case of cancer is a unique situation. So the prognosis may differ from the average statistical indicators. The main thing is to seek help promptly. Find a clinic and a reputable doctor, and then strictly follow the instructions of specialists. Cancer is not a death sentence, but only a complex medical problem that requires a competent approach—the basic principles of chemotherapy a selection of a drug based on its spectrum of action.

Selection of the optimal dose, regimen, and route of administration; consideration of factors requiring dose adjustment to avoid severe complications of chemotherapy. But also on healthy cells of the intestinal epithelium, hematopoiesis, hair follicles, etc. The intervals of 3-4 weeks between the administration of chemotherapy drugs ensure complete regeneration of normal damaged tissues.

Depending on the timing of the chemotherapy. Carried out before the operation to reduce the tumor mass. Basically, Transfer the tumor into an operable state for possible performing organ-preserving surgery to suppress possible cancer micrometastases in the organs and tissues of the body.

Hormonal treatment.

Basically, Breast cancer is a hormone-dependent and hormone-sensitive tumor. In 50-70% of patients, the tumor contains specific proteins called receptors for steroid hormones – estrogen and progesterone. In these patients, hormone therapy has a pronounced effect. Currently, two types of hormonal drugs are used: antiestrogens (tamoxifen and its analogs), which block hormone receptors and aromatase inhibitors. Used in women in menopause and preventing the formation of estrogens by converting androgens into estrogens (Arimidex, letrozole, promazine, etc.) …

Targeted therapy

However, the targeted drug Herceptin (Trastuzumab) blocks this receptor. The drug does not act on tumor cells without this receptor. Targeted therapy has a cytostatic rather than cytotoxic effect; it inhibits hematopoiesis less. More often causes rashes, cardiotoxicity, fatigue, and diarrhea.

Treating breast cancer has significantly expanded over the past decade. The choice of optimal treatment tactics for breast cancer is based on the biological characteristics of the tumor. In addition, the prevalence of the process and the individual characteristics of patients. In these conditions. Timely treatment of patients for medical care. Early diagnosis and the use of all modern methods of treatment are of particular importance. Finally, the improvement of therapeutic approaches, along with the improvement of early diagnosis. Including Russia. Increasing the oncological alertness of women. The availability of full information about the disease, modern possibilities of diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancer.

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