


Splurging on expensive cosmetic products may empty your pockets in a blink of an eye. Fear no more, for your kitchen can save your bad hair day. Check out some of the most common culinary ingredients you can include in your home-made hair growth shampoo.


  1. Garlic

This bulbous-like ingredient is known not only for its distinct, pungent flavor. Its antimicrobial properties can prevent various scalp infections. Garlic cloves are also rich in Vitamin C, which can boost collagen production and safeguard your hair from free radicals. It also contains selenium, which stimulates proper blood circulation to produce thicker, healthier hair.

How can you use garlic to curb hair loss? You can mix garlic oil with essential oils like olive oil, peppermint oil, and tea tree oil into your bottle of hair growth shampoo. Apply onto the hair at least twice a week to see better results.

  1. Table Salt

Salt is your typical staple for food seasoning. Table salt or is widely known for its various uses and benefits. It can be used as an anti-dandruff treatment. Massaging salt onto your head can exfoliate your scalp while it boosts blood circulation. Salt is also effective against oily hair. Adding salt to your hair care regimen helps in eradicating excessive sebum on your scalp. 

You can massage your scalp with salt for a few minutes. You can also add two to three tablespoons of salt if you opt to use your used shampoo.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Don’t cringe over the thought of applying this healthy condiment onto your scalp. Apple cider vinegar or ACV has been a well-known hair remedy since ancient times. This acidic substance is the product of fermenting apples. ACV contains acetic acid, which balances the hair’s pH level and protects hair against breakage and dullness. Famous for its various health benefits, ACV is also a cure against product build-up on your scalp. Applying ACV unclogs your hair follicles, thus saves you from developing scalp irritations and dandruff.

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How can you use ACV for hair growth? First, you need to dilute a few tablespoons of ACV with water. This step is crucial to avoid scalp irritation due to ACV’s high acidity level. Then, soak your hair with the diluted solution. Wait for a few minutes before you rinse your hair thoroughly. You can also add a few drops of ACV into your daily shampoo for more stimulating effects. Just remember to handle ACV with care to avoid unwanted side effects. 

  1. Fresh Milk

A bottle of raw milk might be your answered prayer against hair damage. Dairy products like milk contain proteins and amino acids that nourish the hair follicles. A protein called casein includes a high level of the amino acid glutamine, stimulating hair growth. Milk can also moisturize the hair strands, giving you a frizz-free look.

You can lather your mane with milk and rinse it afterward. If not, you can include milk for your hair concoction. Use low-fat milk to avoid weighing your hair down and making your hair look straight and flat. You can also choose to apply coconut milk to experience instant hair-softening effects.

  1. Egg Yolk

If you’re not into eating sunny-side-up, you may opt to use a few eggs in your tray for your customized hair treatment. Eggs are substantial with vitamins like Vitamin A, E, and biotin. Yolks are also rich sources of lecithin, a particular fat that helps keep your hair soft and moisturized. You can use a DIY natural egg shampoo or mix eggs with your favorite hair mask.


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These food ingredients may be surprising news for you. However, treating your hair doesn’t have to be a luxury. You only need to open your eyes for creative ways to give your hair the care it deserves. 

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