
Symptoms of Appendicitis That Give You Early Warnings

symptoms of appendicitis

An obstruction or blockage in the appendix can cause appendicitis, regarded as an infection or inflammation of the appendix. This blockage is an outcome from the expansion of parasites, mucus, or most ordinary, fecal matter. When there is such a blockage in the appendix, bacteria might increase swiftly inside the organ. This might further cause the appendix to get swollen or irritated, finally giving rise to appendicitis. Here, we will discuss the symptoms of appendicitis.

The appendix is present towards the lower right side of the human abdomen. It is a tube-shaped and narrow pouch that protrudes from your large intestine. Even though the appendix is a component of the gastrointestinal tract, it is regarded as a vestigial organ. This indicates that it offers no essential functions and might lead to a healthy and normal life without it. The value or objective of the appendix is not known yet. However, few individuals believe it has tissues that aid your immune system in processing infections in the body.

If you don’t avail of treatment for your inflamed appendix right away, it might rupture and thereby liberate harmful bacteria into the abdomen. This resulting infection is termed as peritonitis, which is a critical condition that needs instant medical aid. Possessing a ruptured appendix can be a fatal and threatening situation. Such ruptures usually occur with the first twenty-four hours of the symptoms, yet the danger of breakage increases drastically after the 48 hours of the beginning of the symptoms.

Thus, it is essential to acknowledge initial symptoms of appendicitis such that you may avail of medical treatment instantaneously. Go through the content further to know what are the symptoms of appendicitis.

Types of Appendicitis

Appendicitis can be chronic or acute. In acute appendicitis, the symptoms are severe and come up suddenly. While in the case of Chronic Appendicitis, the symptoms are milder and might arrive and depart after a few weeks, month, or years.

The condition of appendicitis can even be elaborate or simple. In the most ordinary instances of appendicitis, you’ll face no such complications. In contrast, complex cases have complications like a ruptured appendix or an abscess.

Chronic Appendicitis

Choric Appendicitis is not that common as acute appendicitis. In the case of chronic appendicitis, the symptoms are relatively mild. They might even disappear ahead of reappearing again after some years, months, or even a few weeks.

Chronic appendicitis is very challenging to diagnose. At times, it is not even diagnosed until it turns into acute appendicitis. However, chronic appendicitis is very dangerous.

Acute Appendicitis

Acute appendicitis is a sudden and severe instance of appendicitis. Its symptoms tend to occur swiftly over one to the two-day course.

It needs instant medical aid and, when left untreated, can cause an appendix rupture. This rupture can turn out to be critical and also a fatal complication. Acute appendicitis is very common over chronic appendicitis.

Appendicitis Symptoms

Appendicitis gives rise to multiple symptoms comprising:

  • Low fever
  • Chills
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty passing gas
  • Stomach swelling

However, not every individual shall go through these similar symptoms, yet you must visit a doctor as soon as possible. Your appendix may rupture as soon as two to three days ahead of the beginning of the symptoms. You must visit a hospital instantly if you’re undergoing any of the following symptoms. So what are the symptoms of appendicitis?

Abdominal Pain

Appendicitis generally involves a progressive onset of aching, cramping, or dull pain in the entire abdomen. While the appendix turns more inflamed and swollen, it’ll irritate the abdominal wall lining known as peritoneum. This shall further lead to a sharp, localized pain in the abdomen’s lower part towards the right. The illness is more critical and constant over the aching, dull pain occurring when symptoms begin.

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Yet, few individuals might have an appendix which is located behind their colon. Such individuals who suffer from appendicitis may have pelvic pain or lower back pain.

Digestive Upset

Appendicitis can give rise to vomiting and nausea. You may even lose your hunger and go through as you cannot eat. You might also develop critical diarrhea or become constipated.

In case you face issues passing gas, this might be an indication of total or partial bowel obstruction. It can be related to underlying appendicitis.

Mild Fever

Appendicitis generally leads to fever between 37.2°C (99° F) to 38° C (100.5° F). You might even gain the chills.

If, by chance, your appendix bursts, its following infection may compel your fever to increase. A temperature exceeding 38.3° C (101° F) and a rise in the heart rate indicate that you have a rupture in the appendix.

Appendicitis Symptoms in Infants and Children

Always take your kid to the hospital when you doubt they’ve appendicitis. Children usually are poor in explaining their feelings to their parents. They might even go through a critical time to determine the pain and say that they feel the pain throughout their abdomen. This can form it tight to pinpoint that the cause is appendicitis.

Parents can simply misunderstand Appendicitis for a UTI, i.e., Urinary Tract Infection or a stomach bug. It is always advisable to be aware of when the matter is appendicitis. This is because ruptured appendicitis can turn out to be severe for everyone, yet the possibility of death is seen mostly in toddlers and infants.

What are the symptoms of Appendicitis in Children? Children who’re two years or below often exhibit the underneath symptoms of appendicitis:

  • A tender abdomen
  • Abdomen swelling or bloating.
  • Vomiting

Teenagers and older children are more possibly to go through:

  • Pain in the lower side towards the right of the abdomen
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Appendicitis Symptoms During Pregnancy

Most of the symptoms of appendicitis are very similar to the discomforts of pregnancy, including vomiting, nausea, and stomach cramping. Nevertheless, pregnant women might not always possess classic appendicitis symptoms, mainly delay in pregnancy. The expanding uterus shoves the appendix high-up during pregnancy. This indicates the pain might happen in the upper abdomen rather than in the lower abdomen towards the right.

Pregnant women having appendicitis are even more likely to undergo gas, heat burns, or swapping episodes of diarrhea and constipation.

Other situations with some similar Symptoms

Abdominal pain can turn out to be a symptom of some other conditions which appear the same as appendicitis.

Its examples include:

  • Constipation
  • Stomach lesions
  • IBD or Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Injury or damage to the abdomen
  • Growths, stools or parasites that clog the interior of the appendix

Causes of Appendicitis

In most cases, the exact reason behind appendicitis is not known yet. Professionals believe it occurs when an appendix’s part becomes blocked or obstructed. Most things may obstruct the appendix, comprising:

  • Enlarged lymphoid follicles
  • Hardened stool build-up
  • Traumatic injury
  • Intestinal worms
  • Tumors

When your appendix gets blocked, the bacteria might increase inside it. This might lead to the development of swelling and pus, which can give rise to painful pressure in the abdomen.

Appendicitis Risk Factors

Appendicitis can affect any individual. Yet few individuals are more likely to get this condition over others. For instance, appendicitis risk factors include:

  • Family History: Individuals who’ve appendicitis family history are in great danger of developing it.
  • Sex: Appendicitis is known to be more ordinary in men over women.
  • Age: Appendicitis affects individuals in the age category of 15 to 30 years.

Even though more research is required, diets low in fiber might increase the risk of appendicitis.

How is Appendicitis Cured?

When you seek medical assistance from a doctor, they shall conduct physical tests and even interrogate you regarding your symptoms. They’ll also order specific criteria, helping them ascertain if you’ve appendicitis. These might comprise of:

  • A CT Scan or an Abdominal ultrasound to check verify whether your appendix is inflamed.
  • Urine tests to verify for the signs of kidney stones or a UTI.
  • Blood tests to seek for infection signs

If your physician detects you with appendicitis, they shall determine whether you require emergency surgery. You’ll possibly receive antibiotics ahead of your operation. These medications will aid avert any infection to develop before your surgery.

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Your surgeon shall then carry out a surgery to get rid of your appendix. This surgery is referred to as appendectomy. Your surgeon might perform a laparoscopic appendectomy or an open appendectomy, which entirely depends on the seriousness of appendicitis.

Laparoscopic appendectomy

During a laparoscopic appendectomy, the surgeon shall make some little incisions in the abdomen. They’ll place a laparoscope inside the incisions.

Laparoscopes are a thin, long tube with a camera and a light at the front. This camera displays the pictures on the screen. It further permits your doctor to check the interior of your abdomen and thereby escort the instruments.

After they discover your appendix, they shall tie it away with some stitches and withdraw it. Finally, they’ll cleanse, close, and dress the little incisions.

Open appendectomy

While an open appendectomy, your surgeon creates an incision in the lower aide of your abdomen towards the right. They might get rid of your appendix and lock your wound with some stitches.

This process permits your doctor to clean up the abdominal cavity when your appendix bursts or if you’ve got an abscess.

After Surgery

After any of these surgeries, your doctor might instruct you to stay up in the hospital till your pain is down control, and you can take in liquids.

If, by chance, any complication arises or you experience an abscess, your doctor shall advise you to remain on antibiotics for a few more days.

It is essential to keep in mind that when it is possible for the issues to arise, most individuals develop a full recovery with no such complications.

Home Remedies and Appendicitis

You must contact your doctor at once when you experience Appendicitis symptoms. It is a severe condition that needs medical assistance. Also, it won’t be right to depend on home remedies.

In case you undergo surgery to get rid of your appendix, the doctor might prescribe pain relievers and antibiotics to support recovery. Additionally, having medications as advised, it might aid in:

  • Consume enough fluids
  • Get the right amount of sleep.
  • Stay away from lifting heavy objects and strenuous activities till your doctor directs it is secure to perform so
  • Go for a brisk walk daily.
  • Keep the sites of surgical incisions dry and clean.

In a few instances, your doctor may persuade you to alter your diet. In case you’re feeling nauseous following surgery, it can help consume bland items like plain rice and toasts. If you’ve constipation, it may aid you in considering a fiber supplement.

Prevention and Risk Factors

Appendicitis is the most general reason behind abdominal pain that results in surgery. Almost 5% of Americans suffer from appendicitis at a point in their life. Appendicitis can occur at any time, yet it mostly happens between the ages of ten and thirty. It is primarily seen in men over women.

You cannot get rid of appendicitis. However, there are steps that you may own to minimize risks. Appendicitis appears less probable when you have a fiber-rich diet, which includes lots of fresh veggies and fruits. Foods which are high in fiber comprise of:

  • Broccoli
  • Green peas
  • Artichokes
  • Pears
  • Apples
  • Raspberries
  • Lentils
  • Bran flakes
  • Black beans
  • Whole-wheat spaghetti
  • Barley
  • Oatmeal

Boosting the fiber amount in your diet can minimize constipation issues and following the build-up of stool. Stool build-up is the most common reason behind appendicitis.

If you’ve circumstances which lead to infection or inflammation of the bowels, it is essential to seek medical assistance from a doctor to get rid of appendicitis. Always go for medical attention instantly when you or any person you know possesses Appendicitis symptoms.


By now, you’ve got a clear view of what are the symptoms of appendicitis. With prompt therapy, appendicitis is curable, and recovery is usually swift and complete. With early surgery, the death rate is below one percent.

Without antibiotics or surgery, for instance, the death rate can turn out to be fifty percent or even more in the remote areas.

If an appendix bursts out, it can cause complications like peritonitis or an abscess. Recovery can become lengthy in such instances. Older people require even more time to recover from appendicitis.

The appendix is regarded as a non-functioning organ that is unnecessary for your survival. However, few scientists suggest that it can plan a vital role in supporting a healthy immune system.

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