
What is work culture or open culture, you ask?

What is work culture or open culture, you ask?

Workspace and the culture effect?

Workplace culture is the environment that is created for the employees which play a vital role in determining the level of satisfaction, relationships, and progressions for the employees. These are basically those unspoken and unwritten rules that help the people in a work environment to thrive, form strong bonds and relationships among each other, and in turn help the organization to grow.  

Alright, first let’s clear some things first. ‘open culture’ as we hear it is not synonymous with an ‘open office’. An open office would mean talking in terms of a building structure, on the other hand, an open culture is a whole different aspect of something intangible.

Now that the confusion for some people is out of the way, let’s talk openly about it.

Here are a few things that ensure the organizations move towards an open culture

The strict chain of command

To be an inspiration and encourage more collaborative work it is all most certain to drop the walls and work together. This is by far the best way to be motivating the employees, it’s obvious that no one likes to be schooled around all the time. This tends to help the employees be more productive and sometimes results in getting more work done in the same amount of time.

The initiators

An open culture encourages many to be the initiators because of the idea of controlling their promotions is motivating in itself. The increment in their paycheck is up to them, that is if they choose to work more they will be compensated accordingly. Self-motivated would be the right word. It makes the employees feel like the part of the company, more like a partner than an employee.

The team 

Employees tend to be working in a group as a whole, one organization thus, promoting more open communication and dealing with any problem faster. This openness given to everyone the feeling of belonging to one family, creating a higher level of trust and satisfaction builds a strong bond within the organization. 

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However, if your organization has not already made these changes then just strategizing will not cut you any slack. Instead, you will have to waste no time and do it now, with immediate effect because if you are planning for a phased entry then it’s more likely to fail.

Encouraging open and honest feedback is a very good strategy, not only that you could be transparent and share all the results with everyone.

Remember the key here is consistency, more often than not the organization while going through the change, this whole process is often forgotten or it is continued on an on & off basis, workshops, training, and social events are a great way to bring things on track.

Also, there is no right or wrong answer as to which culture is to foster in the company, nurturing, and carefully building it is the key. A positive open culture can bring clear thinking which is a key prospect for long term success. 

Engaging in the work with the other staff can play a crucial role, mobilizing and energizing your workforce is not an easy task but at the same time, it’s not impossible too. Creating clear goals and rewards for the employees can go far and wide leading your company towards success. 

So, clearly defining your ethos and values which is at the organization’s core principles would be a great move towards a better understanding of what is at stake.

These values are not just for the purpose of promotional or vision statements but it has to be shown in action to the workforce, some of the greatest power towards realizing an idea is a small glimpse of that visualization

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Do not shy away from appreciating your employees, make them feel valued for their contribution, the above-mentioned tips have been very effective in the past and if you just google about the open culture testimonies, I’m sure you will find plenty of them. 

Any manager who is practicing open culture will agree that creating an environment that allows each individual to be as best as they could be is the best and by far indirect method of the organization’s growth not only that the managers should always be striving towards removing any obstacle that may have been arisen due various reasons and helping the employees any way possible.

Recognize that the change is always slow and not evident in the first few days, not pushing your employees but reminding them that there is some goal that has been set up and just acknowledging the distraction from the path can go a long way. 

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Open culture is by far the greatest advantage any organization could wish for, it brings high leveled skills from all the backgrounds and most importantly gives them a chance to showcase their talents. Open cultures could act as a protective shield when the times are tough for the business. It is not about creating tokens or quotas but it’s all about creating a culture that is both attractive and accessible to a diverse range of the best talents.  

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