
Proven Tips for Increasing Intimacy in Your Relationship

Proven Tips for Increasing Intimacy in Your Relationship

Passion is vital in a relationship but intimacy is what keeps it stronger and together. Intimacy is when you know your partner knows you inside out and love you for everything you are, despite the things he/she might not like. Such love needs a leap of faith, rare honesty and you can be vulnerable in the relationship. However, for some people, intimacy is being ‘home’ when your partner is around or finding pleasure in your partner’s presence and missing them in their absence. If you think you need to take intimacy in a relationship a notch up, here’s what you can do.

Sharing More Will Bring You Closer

Intimacy is discovering things together. As time passes, usually couples lose the urge to know about one another. The more you share about yourselves to one another, the closer and tighter you will become. Those who don’t share and make it difficult for others to share have a difficult time in relationships.


Engage In Deeply Emotional Conversations Sometimes


Engaging in emotional talks will make you feel closer and more connected. It will not only empower your relationship, but it will also empower you. When you start having emotional conversations with your partner, you will feel the intimacy between you rising.

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Do Something New Together

Try doing something new together. It doesn’t have to be something big. You could try having a pet or decorating your bedroom, etc. You can even plan a trip together or get together for friends or family. It will put you in sync and will take the intimacy between you a notch higher.

Give Credit to Your Partner’s Mode of Communication

Not everyone finds it easy to express. So, if you are an easy talker, learn to recognize the mode of expression your partner prefers. Remember, for some communication is a big part of intimacy. Many divorces occur because the couple didn’t communicate much. They wanted to talk about work, good things and bad things as well but their partners were not willing. They missed the conversation and found intimacy lacking in their relationship. So, communicate whichever way you both like and appreciate each other’s way of communicating feelings.

Intimacy Isn’t Just Words or Sex

Many find a simple kiss and asking about the day quite intimate. Some people want this kind of demonstration of intimacy. They want to be welcomed with open arms when they come home. Everyone loves in their own way and they deserve appreciation for their thoughtful actions. Both partners should talk about what they want and what they can do. 

Listen Closely to Your Partner

Some people feel lonely when they don’t get enough intimacy in their relationship. Also, too much intimacy can make them feel saturated. Those who need a lot of intimacy will do everything to make sure they have strong intimate contact with their partner. They will listen more closely and they will encourage their partner to be more expressive. But if someone isn’t too fond of intimacy, they will weakly correlate relationship and intimacy. So, if you want to increase the intimacy in your relationship, listen to them and encourage them to be expressive. Do not turn down the topic if your partner is sharing about their past emotional experiences. Some people feel good sharing everything honestly about their past. 

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These are just a few intimacy tips that will help you make your relationship more intimate. However, you, as a couple must talk about what makes you feel close and intimate with each other and work your way through. Communication is the best way to understand each other’s desires and needs.

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