Losing 50 to 100 hairs in a day is normal but if you are excessively losing hair from your scalp then it is the time to see an expert. Hair fall is something that adults need to worry about because it most commonly occurs in them then in teenagers.
If you are a teen and suffering from this condition then the first thing you have to do is to determine the cause because if you correct it, there are more chances that your hair loss will be completely gone. Hairloss leads to embarrassment and low self-confidence but for teens, it can more disturbing and shocking.
Causes of hair loss in teenage males
Almost every individual in this world wishes to have a fuller and thicker hair but unfortunately, many undesirable conditions come in their way. Mostly in teenagers, hair loss is a result of vitamin deficiency or hormonal misbalance. Some medical conditions can cause it too. In this blog, I’ll try my very best to cover all of them,
This type of hair loss is also known as drug-induced alopecia. There are some medications such as antibiotics and Antithyroid drugs that have hair loss as a side-effect. Also, diet pills containing amphetamines are most known for causing hair loss. If you notice any hair loss due to using any medication then contact the dermatologist immediately.
Alopecia areata
Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disorder in which the body damages its own hair follicles. This type of hair loss is not permanent and hair will eventually regrow. It most commonly affects the scalp but entire body can also be affected by it. It is estimated that about 1 out of 50 people suffer from this type of skin condition at some stage of their life.
Poor diet
If you have a poor eating habit than most probably you will have some hair loss. You have to take a diet that has all the essential nutrients and vitamins.
Stress and hair loss are linked with one another. School responsibilities or workload can make the life of a teenager stressful. Stress puts a large number of hair follicles into an inactive state.
Hair loss in teen girls can be a result of overstyling or poor hair styling. Various chemical-based treatments like bleaching, straightening, and dying are major contributing factors of hair thinning.
Hormonal changes can be a cause of hair loss in both men and women. Ailments such as lupus, thyroid disease, and polycystic ovarian syndrome arise during the teenage years and unfortunately, most of them cause hair loss.
Treatments of hair loss in teenage males
We are offering plenty of surgical and non-surgical treatments to people to help them overcome hair loss. Common hair treatments include medications, hair transplant, laser therapy, and PRP. Choose the one that is appropriate for you.
Rogain, Dutasteride, and Propecia are common drugs used to prevent future hair loss. Your hair might shed at first but after sometime hair growth will start. Take them daily as a pill.
Hair transplant
In severe cases of hair loss, hair transplant surgery might be a good option. During the procedure, grafts are extracted from the back ad sides of the scalp by utilizing a punch tool. Hair follicles are then implanted in the bald sections of the scalp one by one. The doctor may ask you to take more than one surgeries to get the desired results
Laser therapy
An FDA approved treatment for hair loss. In this treatment, low-level laser light is directed on the scalp to control hair loss. Laser stimulates the production of hair growth factors thus improves hair density.
PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. The treatment involves injecting patient’s own blood into the scalp to increase the hair growth. The treatment produces effective results without carrying a risk of major side-effects.