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How To Lower Your Blood Pressure

How To Lower Your Blood Pressure

High pressure is a disorder that affects over 10 million people, of which the only ¼ can keep it under control. In this article, we will give a complete guide about how to lower your blood pressure. From a medical point of view, high blood pressure is indicated by the term hypertension. And is defined as such when there is a permanent increase in blood pressure above the values ​​considered normal. Specifically, the limits for diagnosing hypertension are minimum pressure> 90mmHg and maximum pressure> 140mmHg.

Almost always (in 95% of cases), lowering your blood pressure is of an essential type. Therefore independent of other pathological conditions, this form of hypertension is still idiopathic, i.e., the specific causes are unknown. There are also other types of hypertension, called secondary, which owe their onset to diseases of the kidneys or heart. Essential hypertension (which from now on we will call “hypertension”) is likely to have a multifactorial etiology; among the most important causes are recognized: genetic predisposition/familiarity, overweight, improper diet, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol abuse, and stress.

All this attention to high blood pressure stems from severe hypertension. And aggravated by other risk factors (e.g., smoking, diabetes, overweight, etc.). SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASES THE RISK OF CARDIO-CEREBRO-VASCULAR EVENTS ( stroke and coronary heart disease ).

How to lower your blood pressure

Managing hypertension is essential because, together with high cholesterol and high triglycerides. It is among the most important risk factors for our heart’s health.

  • MOVE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN: An analysis by the American College of Cardiology. And the American Heart Association recommends doing at least 3 to 4 weekly 40-minute sessions at a time. Exercising regularly often has the same effects as medications.
  • FIND YOUR IDEAL WEIGHT: If you are overweight, it is essential to get back in shape to lower your how to lower your blood pressure.
  • CUT REFINED SUGARS AND CARBOHYDRATES: Many scientific studies show that decreasing sugars and refined flours help.
  • EAT LESS SODIUM AND MORE POTASSIUM: Cutting out salt and increasing your potassium intake can lower your blood pressure.
  • STOP SMOKING: Cigarette smoking causes an immediate, if temporary, increase in blood pressure and heart rate.
  • TRY TO MANAGE STRESS: We need to find any useful method to relax.
  • TRY TO MEDITATE OR DO YOGA: meditation has always been used to relax. And Yoga is also useful for lowering blood pressure.
  • EAT DARK CHOCOLATE: A study from the prestigious Harvard University showed. That eating a dark chocolate square helps lower blood pressure.
  • TRY MEDICINAL HERBS: Some herbs have been shown to lower blood pressure. Before taking them, ask your doctor because, in some cases, they can interfere with other drug therapies.
  • REST WELL: because when you sleep, your blood pressure drops. If we don’t sleep well, we risk suffering from hypertension.
  • EAT RAW GARLIC OR USE A SUPPLEMENT: Both the supplement. And the garlic eaten raw have the ability to lower blood pressure.
  • EAT HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN: those who eat high-quality proteins lowers the risk of being hypertensive

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Lower the Pressure

To lower the pressure (whether it is already definable as hypertension or one of the PRE-hypertension cases). It is necessary to intervene on several fronts. If possible, it is essential to remove the primary triggering agent; otherwise, it is necessary to resort to drug therapy under medical supervision. In both situations, it is always advisable to reduce the overall cardiovascular risk index by also intervening on any collateral risk factors, such as diet and lifestyle.

Ultimately, if high blood pressure is due solely to a physical, dietary, and lifestyle condition, the priority interventions are:

  • Low-calorie diet and increased overall energy expenditure (in case of overweight and obesity)
  • Low-sodium diet, rich in potassium, magnesium. And omega-3, low in saturated/hydrogenated fatty acids (possibly supported by some supplements such as arginine and herbal products)
  • Start a motor/sports activity protocol, mainly AEROBICS, perhaps associated with exercises for muscle toning.
  • Eliminate all alcohol (and possibly also drinks containing STIMULATING nerves – such as coffee )
  • Eliminate smoking
  • Minimize mental stress, also considering the intervention of a psychological professional or the use of anxiolytic drugs.
  • Typically, this type of high blood pressure occurs with advancing age and in proportion to the increase in body fat; however, we are witnessing more and more premature hypertension ( puberty ).
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On the contrary, if a hereditary basis is so strong. That it ignores any other risk factor, pharmacological intervention is almost inevitable. Among the various molecules used (alone or in combination): diuretics, adrenergic inhibitors, calcium antagonists, inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system, direct-acting vasodilators.

How to lower your blood pressure: Natural remedies

As anticipated, high blood pressure is the result of a profound metabolic decompensation. Sometimes it is enough to intervene EXCLUSIVELY in a “natural” way. And without the use of drugs, which, in general, once taken, CANNOT be stopped but only decreased! However, this approach requires two essential requirements: a weak genetic basis and total compliance with the strategy without exceptions. In the previous paragraph, we mentioned the priority interventions to be carried out to lower the pressure; they are almost all natural except drugs and, for the more “severe,” supplements. Let’s analyze them one by one:

  • Elimination of cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and the abuse of stimulating nerves.
  • Low-Calorie Diet and Increase of Overall Energy Expenditure. Overweight is one of the factors that most affect the increase in how to lower your blood pressure. It goes without saying that by reducing excess fat to normal weight. You can also enjoy a clear moderation of blood pressure. However, even the simple loss of a few excess kilos is useful. So much so that, in general, a 1mmHg reduction in blood pressure can be expected for every kg lost.
  • The overall energy balance must be negative to lose weight, i.e., that the calories consumed are lower than those consumed. This can be achieved with a low-calorie diet, perhaps supported by the increase in overall physical activity. The extent of the energy cut is approximately 30% of the total expenditure. The increase in expenditure affects both basic physical activity (daily activities: cycling or walking, climbing stairs, etc.) and desirable or physical activity. Increasing expenditure means benefiting from a richer low-calorie diet, with more nutrients and energy, therefore more bearable.

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How to lower your blood pressure: Natural Way First Part

  • Nutritional Balance and Attention to the Needs of Hypertension: in addition to being low-calorie. The diet for hypertension must have some particular requirements. These are:
  • TOTAL eliminates added sodium chloride (table salt) and, sometimes, sodium naturally present in foods. And aggravation of how to lower your blood pressure natural way.
  • Sodium is naturally present in foods but, through raw (unprocessed) foods, it is never possible to create a nutritional surplus. And sealed at the time of cooking, release seawater from their interior. On the other hand, the main food sources of sodium in the human diet are sodium chloride. Added in food during industrial processing or at the time of consumption and sodium in certain food additives. To facilitate the reduction of the pressure, will then be indispensable certain measures. Such as the prohibition of the addition of sodium chloride on the foods at the time of consumption. The prohibition of bouillon cubes’ consumption and the prohibition of preserved meat consumption, fish conserved, aged cheeses, and vegetables in the jar.
  • Increase in potassium and magnesium with food: if sodium is a mineral responsible for increased pressure, potassium and magnesium (some also hypothesize calcium ). Act with a diametrically opposite mechanism. Among other things, in healthy subjects, “excess” potassium. The more you take with food, the better! Obviously, this indication must subordinate to other nutritional considerations.
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How to lower your blood pressure: Natural Way Second part

  • Increase of essential omega 3 fatty acids and reduce saturated/hydrogenated ones and significantly contribute. To the production of endogenous cholesterol (increasing cardio-vascular risk ). Saturated/hydrogenated fats are in some way related to the increase in blood pressure. It does not matter if it is a direct or indirect relationship. The important thing is to drastically reduce them by avoiding: fatty meats (again, the preserved ones are involved, mentioned in point A), butter, and fatty cheeses (almost all mature ones).
  • On the other hand, omega 3s play a vital IPOtensive role. And intervene in reducing cardiovascular risk by reducing triglycerides in the blood. And improving cholesterolemia anti-inflammatory function.  2. These nutrients are quite difficult to find and are found primarily in oils from algae, krill, fish liver oil, flax seeds, seeds of hemp, seed kiwi, wheat germ, soybeans, and (at lower concentrations) in all foods from which these condiment fats are extracted.
  • Begin a motor/sports activity protocol: as mentioned, this must be predominantly AEROBIC, preferably combined with muscle toning exercises. As for aerobics, it is advisable to practice at least 3-4 weekly sessions lasting 50-60 ‘, with intensity oscillating between. The aerobic band and just above the anaerobic threshold.

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Use of herbal products and supplements: they are not all-natural products. For example, arginine is a synthetic amino acid (responsible for the endogenous production of nitric oxide at the cellular level). Its real hypotensive efficacy is still the subject of controversy. The same goes for potassium, magnesium, and omega 3, although in this case, the beneficial effect is overt. On the other hand, there are extracts and herbal products, in raw or dried form. Which can help fight high blood pressure; among these, we remember the SPECIFIC hypotensive plants. Such as garlic, onion, rauwolfia, birch, hawthorn, heart, ginkgo Biloba, blueberry, orthosiphon, mistletoe, red vine, olive, periwinkle, Uncaria, lily of the valley, linguistic, carcadè (hibiscus), evodia, and Iranian yarrow. Such as pineapple, birch, artichoke, cucumber, walnut leaves, onion, horsetail, fennel, apple, nettle, elderflower, corn stigmas, and dandelions.

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Tips for a balanced pressure

Beware of emotional arousals. Strong negative emotional states are bad for the heart. These emotional situations can cause blood pressure to rise and interfere with repair mechanisms’ normal functioning by constricting blood vessels. The passage of the necessary amount of blood in these conditions becomes more problematic. Help manage these negative states can come from relaxation or meditation techniques. From having friends with whom you never get angry, from listening to your favorite music. Even from laughing more in life; laughing, in fact, the blood vessels “relax,” and consequently, the pressure drops.

Stress is a major cause of aging in the body. In the same way that chronic stress can damage the heart, continuing efforts to reduce it can improve its condition. The most effective stress reducers are physical activity, meditation, and friendships.

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What damage can high blood pressure cause?

Increased pressure over a prolonged period of time can cause damage to arterial vessels with the thickening of the walls. It causes overwork for the heart with the risk of hypertensive heart disease. It can facilitate arteriosclerosis development, which clogs the vessels and prevents blood flow, causing damage to various tissues. Untreated arterial hypertension is a risk factor for more serious acute vascular accidents, such as myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage.

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Should I use drugs to lower high blood pressure?

In several cases, no. As it is true that one should always consult a doctor. It is also true that most doctors agree that hypertension can be managed without resorting. To drugs when the person is willing to undertake a healthier lifestyle by exercising. , taking natural remedies in conjunction with a healthier diet.

Nature offers solutions that can help the body lower high blood pressure. With the experience of many years of research on the relationship between medicinal plants and health. Naturino has selected specific natural plant substances beneficial in regulating blood pressure.

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