
How Fast Does Hair Grow

How Fast Does Hair Grow

Especially for women, the first to be eliminated, the second to be treated and fixed. But why can’t we all have them at the same length? How and how fast does hair grow? How have they evolved over the centuries?

On average, scalp hair grows 0.35 to 0.45 millimeters per day. Still, these numbers can vary for genetic, hormonal (pregnant women generally grow faster), and even dietary reasons (even the diet can affect the rate of elongation).

The human body contains about 5,000,000 hair follicles, and the function of each of them is to produce hair. Our early ancestors had most of their bodies covered in hair, like primates. This served to retain heat, protect from the sun, allow for camouflage, and more. Today, however, humans are distinguished from the 5,000 species of mammals because they are practically naked.

The evolution of hair and hair

Among mammals, humans are exceptional in lacking full coverage of body hair. In fact, this appears limited to specific regions of the body, such as the scalp, armpits, and groin. “This fact has a physiological significance.

While our pets pant to lose body heat, we sweat. The evaporation of water from the surface of our skin is essential to keep us cool. We come from a long tradition of efficient sweaters “. “Over the course of human evolution, more sweat glands have been needed to cope with a greater range of activity,” he added, noting that lack of hair has become necessary to survive. “Sweating does not keep the body cool on a blanket of shaggy and wet hair.”

Made from 100% Remy human hair. Can be styled, cut, curled, blow dried, hair extensions can be a fabulous way to add bounce, volume, body and texture to your natural curly hair extensions. Small bouncy barrel curls add texture and volume with the natural curl of each curl. Large curly mane curls add body and shine to your hair with no flat iron needed. With a little bit of care, you can create any look desired and without damaging your hair.

.But not all that glitters is gold. In fact, losing hair helped our ancestors to survive from the sweat issue, but a hairless skin devoid of pigment or color tends to burn and burn. The Sun itself, with its ultraviolet light, can destroy DNA, with potential health risks. “Skin pigmentation not only protects against the dangerous effects of our environment, but it also regulates the amount of ultraviolet radiation absorbed in the body capable of stimulating the production of Vitamin D. ”

Over the centuries and millennia then, the differences in hair and hair have become increasingly marked. “The African populations’ hair was selected significantly curled – we read in a 2016 work – The hair of the thickest Asians and that of the lighter Europeans.

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How and how much hair and hair grows

Hair and hair have a real life cycle. The hair begins to grow from a root at the bottom of the follicle – explains the American Academy of Dermatology – which is fed by the blood of the blood vessels of the scalp: in this way, the cells of which the root is composed increase, making the hair grow.

As they grow into the skin, they also encounter sebaceous glands that “oil” them, making them shiny and soft. Over time, however, they can become greasy, which is why we need to wash our heads.

The rest of the body hair follows the same “path,” but it only lasts about a month. That’s why they don’t grow (fortunately!) As much as a hair.

This life cycle is high-speed. Just think that the only part of our body that grows fastest in the bone marrow. Hair grows about 6 inches per year. So even if the growth is rapid, it still takes time to have very long hair.

Hair loss and alopecia

We naturally lose 50 to 100 hairs a day. This is because each follicle in the scalp grows for a few years and then “takes a break.” When this happens, the hair in the follicle falls out. But since the follicles “relax” at different times, we do not notice that we are “losing hair” unless there is a pathological situation.

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This condition, called alopecia, causes a decrease in the amount of hair in one or more areas of the head and often occurs together with a deterioration in the stem’s health. This is why the hair appears more fragile and brittle, and in most cases, there are limited areas where the hair is thinned or where the coverage is completely lacking.

Also, Read The best effect of an anti-hair loss shampoo.

Why does hair turn white?: How Fast Does Hair Grow

It is normal for hair color to change with aging. Unfortunately, white hair can appear at any time in life: even teenagers and twenties may notice white hair strands. This is because the human body has millions of hair follicles, but over time, these lose their pigment cells, resulting in white or gray hair growth. Whether we like it or not is the natural course of things.

In some cases, however, the hair turns white due to pathological situations. A 2016 study, for example, looked at factors related to premature “bleaching” of hair in young Indians under 25 and found a close correlation with low levels of ferritin (a protein that stores iron in the body), vitamin B-12, and HDL-C cholesterol (the “good” one).

In many cases, they are genetic causes (and not much can be done about those, unfortunately). Still, in others, the phenomenon is associated with oxidative stress, which prevents antioxidants from effectively counteracting free radicals’ harmful effects, unstable molecules that damage cells. , contributing to aging and other pathologies.

Of course, other diseases are also associated with the loss of color of our hair, such as melanin deficiency and thyroid dysfunction. But also our unhealthy behaviors, such as a very stressful life and smoking.

Therefore, the hair must be treated as it deserves, but their observation can also help in the diagnosis of some pathological conditions.

Hair loss causes

If it occurs in autumn or spring, hair loss is absolutely natural, even if you must never forget to treat and nourish it with the best methods.

Men and women do not lose their hair equally. Indeed the fall is greater in men than in the female world, even if some types of hair loss are identical, as well as some causes (such as stress ).

The most common causes of hair loss are :

  • stress
  • aggressive cosmetic treatments
  • frequent washing with unsuitable shampoos
  • change of season
  • environmental pollution
  • inheritance
  • hormonal imbalances or changes, such as a drop in estrogen in women, hormonal changes after pregnancy and menopause
  • crash diets
  • some hair conditions, such as seborrhea
  • anorexia and bulimia
  • vitamin A deficiency
  • zinc deficiency
  • anemia
  • thyroid and liver dysfunctions
  • vitiligo
  • diabetes
  • some medications, such as in the case of chemotherapy

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How many hairs fall out in a day?: How Fast Does Hair Grow

The number of hairs that fall out in a day can vary a lot from person to person. Still, typically 40 – 120 hairs per day are within the normal range, based on the number of hair follicles that are still active and based on their growth cycle ( healthy follicles have independent life cycles, with different growth and rest phases than those of neighboring bulbs).

Those who have fine hair tend to have more superior bulbs than those who have thicker shafts, and because of this, they also lose more hair in absolute terms.

Therefore, it can be said that the amount of hair that falls in a day depends on:

  • sex, because men lose more hair than women during the day
  • quantity of bulbs present on the scalp
  • the general health of the patient
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • types of products used for hair care

Types of hair loss: physiological or pathological?

We have said that losing hair, especially in the autumn and spring seasons, is a physiological phenomenon and should not cause concern unless the fall is excessive. It could be in the presence of an abnormal fall and a pathological type of hair loss. And how hair grow.

It is worthwhile in that case, then, to also take into consideration the first signs of a more serious problem such as:

  • itchy head
  • pain in the scalp
  • fat hair
  • dandruff

Once this is done, the doctor can advise you :

  • a trichological visit, which consists of examining the hair to check for any structural deterioration
  • a Trichogramma, which is a microscopic analysis of a hair sample to check if there are any problems in the natural regrowth cycle
  • mineralogram, with which any dietary deficiencies are identified

Specifically, then, it is possible to distinguish different types of hair loss :

  • receding hairline and thinning
  • temporary and scarring alopecia
  • androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness: hereditary fall
  • seborrheic alopecia
  • stress alopecia
  • trichotillomania alopecia (manic pulling or pulling)
  • Telogen effluvium (reversible hair loss) and Telogen effluvium (irreversible loss)
  • female pattern baldness
  • seasonal fall
  • youthful fall
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How to prevent hair loss

If very little can be done against alopecia (do not rely on gurus who promise you miracles or use drugs beyond measure), in general, to prevent conspicuous hair loss, it is useful to follow some suggestions.

On the other hand, it is obvious that if we have a hair loss originating from pathology or, worse still, hereditary, we will have minimal means to counter it. The fact is that, in any case, already a balanced diet rich in vitamins, proteins, and minerals can do a lot. Remember, in fact, that the hair’s nutrition is something that occurs with the blood supply of the scalp, therefore from the inside and not from the outside. For this reason, if the nutritional intake is not enough, the scalp will also suffer.

Also, remember to :

  • avoid damaging the hair by reducing the use of hairdryers, straighteners, brushes, and thermal curlers: heat weakens the hair proteins and makes them fragile
  • avoid perm, both chemical ironing and curly perm
  • drastically reduce dyes and similar chemical treatments and do not bleach them
  • do not pull them too often with rubber bands and clips
  • choose a shampoo with an excellent INCI, a delicate brush of natural fibers, and do not brush from the top to the tips but from the bottom to the tips
  • occasionally do a scalp massage with egg oil to increase arterial flow to the skin surface of the head and hair follicles

Hair loss, all-natural remedies

For hair loss, if in the most serious cases in which it is better to consult a medical specialist, there are several natural remedies, compresses, or rinses beneficial for scalp and hair in others, especially seasonal ones.

Here are the best natural remedies for hair loss:

  • avocado strengthening mask
  • the essential oil of rosemary, which stimulates blood circulation in the scalp
  • Orange juice
  • tea tree oil packs, to be diluted with other vegetable oil
  • apple cider vinegar
  • ginger, which stimulates hair growth and reactivates the circulation of the scalp
  • Fenugreek seeds, once softened, are to be used for a compound to be applied to the hair
  • aloe vera
  • henna, to strengthen the hair and at the same time give them coppery reflections
  • olive oil, as a compress to be applied in a few drops to damp skin and hair
  • coconut oil
  • flax seed

How much hair grows in a month

A ubiquitous question that deserves an adequate answer. And to give it, we must consider all the factors that come into play in hair growth. However, on average, hair lengthens about an inch per month if it is healthy and well cared for. Otherwise, there can be complications until they grow at all. But that’s another story.

What are the factors that affect it?: How Fast Does Hair Grow

As mentioned, many factors come into play in hair growth or loss. First of all, there is an ethnicity to consider. It may seem strange, almost a retrograde speech, but each ethnic group has its own particularities. For example, the hair of Africans has a harder time growing than that of Europeans and Asians. The latter, however, have greater ease.

Then another factor to consider is age.

When you are young, your hair takes less time and effort to grow, while as you age, this process slows down a lot. In some cases, it stops altogether. This is also due to hormones and the organism that undergoes the action of time.

And yet, other factors affect the health of the scalp and the state of our body’s health in general. In fact, when we face difficult times, you will notice that the accumulated stress and tension are reflected in the hair. The same thing happens if we are sick. Or if it concerns the hair specifically, it may be due to lack of care or vitamins. It would help if you devoted more time and attention to them in the first case, perhaps preferring more specific and less invasive products.

On top of that, poor nutrition also damages the hair, thus preventing it from growing healthier and stronger. Finally, seborrheic dermatitis, very often caused by stress or a complicated phase of life, can even affect hair growth and health.

How to make them grow faster?

Making your hair grow faster is possible, thanks to natural products or some little tricks. For example, a good tip is always to apply non-aggressive shampoos that do not damage the skin and head. Then, following a varied and balanced diet helps a lot to feel better physically and mentally, and this has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. But not only that: it is necessary to prefer above all foods rich in vitamins, in particular, that B, which is beneficial for the nails and hair. Or we can accelerate growth by eating salmon, eggs, nuts, olive oil, legumes.

And again, about more practical advice, it is better to avoid using the straightener every day because the heat tends to burn the hair. When instead, you rinse them after shampooing. Finally, don’t use plastic brushes and combs, but opt ​​for those with natural bristles.

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