
Distilled Water VS Purified Water What’s the Difference

Distilled Water VS Purified Water

Scientific and technological progress does not stand still and, unfortunately, contributes to the pollution of the surrounding nature. Therefore, the issue of supplying people with clean drinking water is becoming more and more acute. Some enthusiasts suggest drinking distilled water. But when cleaned, its valuable properties deteriorate. So let’s figure out whether it is possible or impossible to use such water for drinking. So, in this article, we will give you a complete guide about distilled water vs purified water.

Distilled water vs Purified water: What is distilled water

Distilled water is water that has been stripped of all impurities. It is transparent, tasteless, and odorless, does not contain mineral and organic impurities. So, the essence is boiling, evaporation and condensation. Other substances precipitate. When the water vapor cools down and turns into droplets. It is collected, and Distilled water vs Purified water is obtained. INTERESTING! Since the distillate contains no impurities.

Where is distilled water used?

 Here is a list of the primary uses for distilled water:

  • Used to dissolve drugs.
  • Refueling air conditioners, air purifiers, steam cleaners, and even filling irons with tap water causes salt deposits and equipment breakdown. Refueling of batteries for a car. Car owners dilute windshield washer fluid and concentrated antifreeze.
  • Heating systems. Since the purified water does not form sediment. 
  • Work of laboratories. This extends the life of the laboratory equipment and maintains the accuracy of measurements. 
  • Doctors prescribe cleansing the body after various intoxications or food poisoning. It helps the absorption of mineral elements, saturates the tissues with nutrients.

Can I drink distilled water?

There is an ongoing debate in scientific circles about the benefits and dangers of distilled water. Each side puts forward its arguments.

Negative points

They are cited by physicians who claim. That there are no trace elements in the distillate. Instead, it is a “dead” substance that hurts human organisms. A person loses salt with sweat, which leads to an imbalance of substances in the body. So, drinking water, which contains a certain amount of salt, partially compensates for the deficit. In addition, there is a statement that the distillate, penetrating through the cell membranes, disrupts the work of the cell and destroys it. However, no textbook supports this theory.

Positive factors

The distillate contains no slags, toxic substances, and other hazardous compounds. Studies have shown that it removes toxins, removes sand from the kidneys. There are no minerals in it, so the water is soft. Drinking distilled water improves the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and urinary system. So, this is a deficiency of iron, magnesium, calcium, and other elements in the body, which leads to the development of diseases:

  • Organs of the cardiovascular system.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Hormonal disruptions.

Where can I get distilled water?

  • At the pharmacy. They find out about the availability of goods through a single reference service since not every point sells distilled water.
  • At the auto shop.
  • In the online store. The larger the batch for the order, the lower the price.

Distillate at home

Melted water or rainwater can replace distilled water, but only as a last resort. Freezing water removes most of the impurities. To do this, it is poured into a filter and defended. In this case, mineral compounds precipitate. So, it would help if you did not use melted snow since snowflakes, flying to the ground, absorb many impurities from the air. The same goes for rainwater.

Replaces distillate condensate from a boiling kettle. To get it, proceed as follows:

  • Tap water is poured into the filter, allowed to stand for 4-5 hours.
  • A metal cup is attached to the spout, under which a container made of durable glass or metal is placed.
  • Bring the kettle to a boil and get condensate flowing into the container.
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At the same time, make sure that the boil is moderate and the water does not boil off too quickly. The inside of the kettle must be clean. Do not leave the container in a room with high humidity. Distilled water vs Purified water is the cleanest liquid on the planet. So, you can drink it and cook with it. It is easy to buy the product in pharmacies, car stores, and on the Internet. However, if you need water urgently, you can prepare the distillate yourself.

Distilled water vs Purified water: What is Purified water

Purified water is used to manufacture a list of liquid medicines and is the basis from which water for injection is prepared. Pharmacopeias of different countries contain slightly different requirements for the quality of purified water.  Determine the dry residue, water pH, and microbial indicators.

Requirements for the quality of purified water

  • pH 5.0 to 7.0.
  • The content of chlorides, sulfates, nitrates, reducing substances, calcium, carbon dioxide, heavy metals – no.
  • Ammonia content – 0.00002% (in the preparation) or not more than 0.05 mg / l.
  • Microbiological purity – no more than 100 microorganisms in 1 ml.
  • Colorlessness, transparency, tasteless and odorless.

However, experts consider ion exchange or reverse osmosis to be the preferred and most economical methods of obtaining purified water [2]. 

The final quality of the resulting product (purified water) consists of the following conditions:

  • the chemical composition of the source water;
  • perfection of technological equipment and compliance with the conditions of its operation;
  • Conditions for the preparation, collection, and storage of purified water and compliance with sanitary instructions.
  • Often, to obtain purified water, natural or tap water must go through one or more stages of preliminary water treatment. This is due to the instability of tap or other source water (well, artesian, river).

Pre-treatment of hard tap water, among other things, prevents the formation of scale on the elements of the distiller, and the release of the tap water from suspended colloids prevents clogging of reverse osmosis membranes.

The standard technological scheme for obtaining purified water includes the following stages:

  • Preliminary treatment of tap water.
  • The primary cleaning method.
  • Final cleaning method.
  • Storage of the finished product.

Distilled water vs Purified water: Pre-cleaning

By settling water with subsequent removal of the sediment. The oxidation period of impurities lasts 6-8 hours. The addition of dissolved potassium alum or aluminum sulfate. If, after adding alum, the water purified from ammonia reacts with silver nitrate. To obtain purified distilled water, you can use electromagnetic treatment. In the water passing through the electromagnetic water purifier. So, other methods of preliminary water treatment are electrodialysis (using semi-permeable membranes) and ion exchange (using granular ion exchangers and ion exchange cellulose fiber) [1].

Final water purification

Depending on the primary method used for water treatment, final purification can include ion exchange and ultrafiltration stages. In addition, many complex water treatment systems include one or more stages of post-treatment.

Purified water storage

Purified water can be stored under aseptic conditions for no more than three days. Containers for storing water should be tightly closed to avoid contamination by impurities and microorganisms. So, according to pH, chloride, and sulfate ions, purified water is monitored daily from each cylinder or pipeline according to pH, chloride, and sulfate ions, Ca 2+ ions.

Distilled water vs Purified water: Properties and benefits of purified water 

When we talk about purified water, we refer to water intended for human consumption: that, in essence. It often asks themselves whether or not tap water is safe, whether it is healthy or not. The answer is only one, as we learn from the specialized site; tap water is necessarily drinkable but not always good. Fortunately, we can purify it thanks to economic tools such as an inline water filter that we can buy and use at home. In this way, we can significantly improve the water that flows from the tap and make it qualitatively superior.

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In fact, due to some problems, such as cleaning the pipes and pollution. So if you too are tired of buying expensive bottled water, heavy to carry, and inconvenient to keep at home, and you want to use tap water but drink an improved version of it, then the solution is purified water. Which considerably improves the taste and quality of tap water. Do you want high-quality water, fresh and perfect for you, which is cheap and always available from the sink at home? This, then, is an exciting solution.

Distilled water vs Purified water: Water purification methods

1. Distillation

Distillation can be used both to obtain purified water and to obtain water for injection. In a water distiller of any model, 3 units can be distinguished: an evaporator, a condenser, and a collector. First, water vapor enters the condenser, where it accumulates. Then, the accumulated liquid distillate enters the collection. All non-volatile contaminants present in the feed water remain in the water still.

By the type of heating, water distillers are distinguished :

  • gas (DG, AG),
  • firing with a furnace (DT, AT),
  • electrical (DE, AE).

By design features, water distillers of periodic and continuous action are distinguished; with a water treatment unit (DEV, AEV, etc.); with a spray catching device (DE-25; AEVS, etc.) [1].

By GOST 20887-75, the productivity of domestic water distillers is 4 and 25 l / h. Pyrogen-free water distillers that prepare water for injection can have a capacity of 4, 10, 25, and 60 l / h. From the point of view of economic feasibility, distillation is an expensive method of obtaining purified water. Therefore, today more promising and economical methods of preparing water for pharmaceutical purposes are relevant.

2. Ion exchange method

Ion exchange resins are crosslinked polymers of various structures and degrees of crosslinking. In which there are covalent bonds with ionogenic groups. Ion exchange takes place in ion exchange units structurally. For example, ion-exchange cation exchangers can exchange their hydrogen ion for cations Mg²⁺, Ca²и, and others. Ion exchange anion exchangers exchange their hydroxyl ion for SO₄²⁻, Cl⁻ , and others. 

In shape, ion exchange resins can be granules, fibers, spongy formations, ropes, or ribbons. So, Ion exchange technology is a classic and relatively economical method of water desalination. One kilogram of resin can purify at least 1000 liters of water.

3. Reverse osmosis method

Membrane technologies for water purification have been gaining more comprehensive application in recent years. The phenomenon of osmosis is a transition through a semipermeable membrane of a solvent from a solution with a low concentration of impurities to a solution with a higher concentration. So, the solvent seeks to equalize the concentration of salts in both solutions.

Reverse osmosis goes in the opposite direction to forward osmosis. Under the action of increased pressure, the solvent passes through the semipermeable membrane from the solution with salts to the area where the pure solvent is located. So, the driving force behind reverse osmosis is the differential pressure.

4. Distilled water vs Purified water: Electrodialysis method

In this method, soluble salts are removed from the water under the action of an electric field and using partially permeable membranes. Cation exchangers are permeable to cations and have a negative charge. Anionites are permeable to anions, their charge is positive.

Which has the opposite charge. Ion-exchange selective membranes do not adsorb ions but selectively let them pass through themselves. So, the residual salt content in this water treatment method is 5-20 mg / l.

How to make distilled water at home

Among the supporters of a healthy lifestyle, many drink distilled water and cook food with it. In their opinion, the liquid purified from harmful components supports the body’s activity, helps to cleanse itself of toxins and toxins.

The distillation process is straightforward. First, bring tap water to a boil.

You will find everything you need to get a distillate in your kitchen. A large saucepan, a lid for it, a small saucepan, water, ice, and oven mitts for hot dishes.

So, put a large pot on the stove and add water. Then place a smaller saucepan in it. So, small containers should float on the water’s surface, and there should be enough free space on the sides and top for air circulation.
Turn on a gas burner over medium heat and cover a large saucepan with the lid upside down and bring to a boil. In this way, when steam starts to evolve, it will be easier for the condensate to drain to the convex center of the lid and directly fall into the smaller saucepan.

Then pour ice from the refrigerator on top of the inverted lid. The difference in temperature on both sides of the lid will speed up the condensation process. When the ice melts, take the hot lid with mittens, drain the water into the sink and fill in a new portion of ice in its place.

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